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Biden in a Bind! Trump Policies Sparked Growth in Judea and Samaria

An aggressive Israeli building spree of over 9,000 homes during the Trump era pushed deeper into Judea and Samaria than ever before, according to an investigation. The trend puts the Biden administration in a tough bind if it follows through on pledges to revive peace efforts between Israel and the Palestinians.

Satellite images and recent data show for the first time the full impact of the policies of then-President Donald Trump, who abandoned decades-long U.S. opposition to the ‘settlements’ and proposed a Mideast plan that would have allowed Israel to keep them all – even those deep inside Judea and Samaria.

Although the Trump plan has been scrapped, the lasting legacy of construction will make it even harder to create a viable Palestinian state alongside Israel. President Joe Biden’s administration has embraced the two-state solution – which is not the position that Americans For A Safe Israel supports.

The huge number of projects in the pipeline, along with massive development of Jewish community infrastructure, means Biden would need to stage an intervention with Israel to keep faint hopes for a two-state solution alive. While Biden has condemned building Jewish communities, U.S. officials have shown no appetite for such a clash as they confront more urgent problems at home.

There’s no turning back now on developing Judea and Samaria. Any plans Biden attempts only start in reverse. They were tried time and again over the decades and failed. Israel is interested in moving forward and has every legal right to do so.

Trump-era growth of settlement growth has only begun, by Associated Press. YNetnews, April 14, 2021


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Will You Join My Government?

Unnamed senior officials from the Likud party told Kan news on Monday that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has given up on the possibility of persuading the Religious Zionism party to join a coalition supported in any way by the Islamist Ra’am party.

According to the report, Netanyahu is now convinced that party chairman Bezalel Smotrich has no intention of changing his mind and agreeing to join a government that would have even the outside backing of Ra’am. The prime minister will instead turn his attention to persuading New Hope’s Gideon Sa’ar to join his government.

A central plank of Sa’ar’s electoral campaign was the formation of a right-wing government, but not under Netanyahu. Sa’ar has repeatedly vowed since the election that he will not join Netanyahu.

To reach a majority, Netanyahu needs the active support or outside backing of the right-wing Yamina, Religious Zionism, and at least two additional MKs. At this point it feels like the parties involved are going through the motions with no end in sight.

Report: Netanyahu gives up hope of Smotrich joining a Ra’am-backed coalition, by TOI Staff. Times of Israel, April 12, 2021

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Set-Back for Iran Facility: Timing is Everything

The Mossad was reportedly behind the cyber attack at Iran’s Natanz nuclear facility on Sunday. Extensive damage was caused to this main uranium enrichment facility and reports say the facility may be set back by at least 9 months.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called the security cabinet’s first meeting in two months to discuss Iran next Sunday amid increased tensions with Tehran.

According to the Jerusalem Post, the strike on Iran’s key Natanz nuclear facility was prepared long before the ongoing Vienna nuclear talks between Iran and the world powers.

Does the timing of this attack seem suspicious or maybe even a coincidence to you? One thing we do know is that while Biden & Co. work hard to appease the #1 state sponsor of terror, Israel is doing what’s necessary to prevent Iran from its effort to eliminate Israel.

‘Mossad behind cyberattack on Iran’s Natanz nuclear facility’, by Yonah Jeremy Bob, Lahav Harkov, Tzvi Joffre. Jerusalem Post, April 12, 2021

Natanz: Iran tried playing the West but got outmaneuvered by Israel, by Lahav Harkov. Jerusalem Post, April 12, 2021

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Hide and Seek: Illegal School Pops Up in Area C

The Palestinian Authority (PA) has illegally built a new school on the site of the historic Hamam al Maliakh hot springs, located in the heart of the Jordan Valley’s Bazak Nature Reserve. The site is in Area C, which is under full Israeli jurisdiction.

Some years ago, an Arab family took over the site, turning the historic structure into a private residence and making structural changes, as if it were owned by them.

Now, a new school has been built at the site in recent weeks, including a sign announcing that the construction was funded by the European Union and a group of European countries. All have been playing an increasingly significant role in the PA’s quiet illegal takeover of Area C.

Regavim, which is at the forefront of combating the PA’s illegal construction, has turned to the Civil Administration for answers on their lack of action on the issue.

Eitan Melet, Regavim’s Field Coordinator for Judea and Samaria, explains: “The Palestinian Authority is playing hide and seek with the Civil Administration. The PA builds “confrontation schools” – illegal schools in Area C – for the purpose of anchoring a network of outposts in Area C. The Palestinians come up with new, inventive ways of camouflaging their activities, and the Civil Administration, either intentionally or unintentionally, continues to fall into the very effective trap that the PA is using over and over again: Once these illegal schools are completed, they create a win-win public relations headache which the Civil Administration hasn’t learned to contend with. The PA appears to be the only team on the playing field.”

PA Builds Illegal School on Israeli Territory, Funded by EU, by Aryeh Savir. Tazpit Press Service, April 11, 2021

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CONCERN FOR ISRAEL: Biden Will Restore Terror

Secretary of State Antony Blinken announced that a $235 million package, including $150 million for UNRWA will be forthcoming.

Israel warned the Biden administration that its decision Wednesday to restore funding to UNRWA would only help perpetuate the conflict. “Israel’s position is that the organization in its current form perpetuates the conflict and does not contribute to its resolution,” the Foreign Ministry stated. Though no direct aid will go to the PA thanks to the Taylor Force Act, the US seeks to re-open the Palestinians’ diplomatic mission in Washington.

The move was part of a larger American policy decision to begin restoration of humanitarian and security funding for Palestinians, which was cut out in its entirety by former US President Donald Trump. President Trump understood what was necessary to protect Israel and was not afraid to stand up for the truth about Israel. Biden on the other hand continues to push his delusional policies, most likely forced on him by those pulling his puppet strings.

It’s also been made clear that the United States is working hard to restart the Iran “nuclear deal.” Israel’s goal is to prevent the US from re-entering the 2015 nuclear deal without concessions. Mossad Director Yossi Cohen is expected to travel to Washington in the coming days for meetings with senior White House and US intelligence officials. Cohen is expected to present “formal evidence of Iran’s lies,” which “conceals important elements about its nuclear program.”

Nothing good can be said about any plan to re-enter the Iran “deal.” It’s dangerous for the US and the world and it’s even worse for Israel.

Press Statement: The United States Restores Assistance for the Palestinians, by Antony J. Blinken, Secretary of State. April 7, 2021

Israel slams Biden’s resumption of UNRWA funding for Palestinians, by Tovah Lazaroff. Jerusalem Post, April 8, 2021

Mossad chief to travel to Washington to present evidence against Iran, by i24NEWS. i24NEWS, April 7, 2021


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US Lawmakers Sound the Alarm on PA Textbooks

A bipartisan group of lawmakers reintroduced on Monday the Peace and Tolerance in Palestinian Education Act. The bill requires the Secretary of State to submit a report to Congress reviewing textbooks produced by the Palestinian Authority. Rep. Brad Sherman (D-CA) sponsored the bill along with Rep. Lee Zeldin (R-NY), Rep. Josh Gottheimer (D-NJ), Rep. Brian Mast (R-FL) and Rep. David Trone (D-MD).

There are concerns that such textbooks produced by the Palestinian Authority “include language and imagery that encourage violence and hatred toward other nations and ethnic groups,” Sherman said in a statement. “Such content is particularly concerning given the use of such materials in educational settings for children as young as primary school age.”

AFSI applauds the US lawmakers for taking up this important matter. The US taxpayer has provided the PA with millions of dollars with no transparency to show what the funds have produced. On the flip side, we are troubled by the comments made by the US lawmakers, at least as quoted in the JPost article. They did not acknowledge that Israel is the primary object of PA hatred in the textbooks. Let’s not forget that truth.

US lawmakers introduce bill to make State Dept. review PA textbooks, by Omri Nahmias. Jerusalem Post, April 7, 2021

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Can He Do It? Netanyahu Receives Mandate

Israeli President Reuven Rivlin has tasked Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Tuesday with forming a new government.

Rivlin announced Tuesday afternoon that he has decided to grant Netanyahu a mandate for the premiership, following consultations with representatives of parties from the incoming 24th Knesset.

Rivlin’s nomination will grant Netanyahu a 28-day mandate to attempt to cobble together a governing coalition with the support of at least 61 MKs.

Once again, we continue to wait for Bibi, still the most likely Prime Minister, to pull a rabbit out of his hat and save Israel from going to unthinkable 5th elections.

President Rivlin grants Netanyahu mandate to form new government, by David Rosenberg. Arutz Sheva, April 6, 2021

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UNCHALLENGED! PA’s Festival of Illegal Construction Continues

The Palestinian Authority took advantage of the Passover holiday recess for large-scale illegal construction, including sites already under court-issued work-stop orders.

While Israelis enjoyed the week-long Passover holiday, the Palestinian Authority (PA) used the Civil Administration’s vacation to its full advantage. They carried out lightning-paced construction at a number of strategically-placed sites in Area C, the portion of Judea and Samaria under full Israeli jurisdiction.

One of the projects aimed at establishing facts on the ground during the inspectors’ vacation is on the outskirts of Rujeib, located between Shechem (Nablus) and the Jewish community of Itamar in Area C. Over the intermediate days of Passover, new areas were leveled for construction and infrastructure was laid for an illegal construction project that broke ground in recent months. Illegal construction also took place in the vicinity of Duma and at Khirbet Khurkosh.

“These are the tip of the iceberg of the systematic annexation-via-construction program that is carried out on Jewish holidays, which have become festivals of illegal construction in the Arab sector throughout Israel, and particularly in Judea and Samaria,” says Eitan Melet, Regavim’s Field Coordinator for Judea and Samaria. “The authorities know full well what will happen, but fail to take any preventative measures.”

Palestinian Authority ‘Celebrated’ Passover with Illegal Construction Blitz in Area C, by Hana Levi Julian. Jewish Press, April 4, 2021


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Hello, Israel..This is the US. We Need Your Advice


“We had a call with the Knesset last week, trying to see what do they do in Israel around the Knesset,” said Rep. Tim Ryan.

Several members of the US House Appropriations Committee spoke with Knesset officials last week as Congress seeks to learn about security measures in other countries, Rep. Tim Ryan said Friday.

Last Friday, a motorist rammed his car into US Capitol police officers and brandished a knife, killing one and wounding another. The attacker, identified as a 25-year-old follower of the Nation of Islam — a highly controversial black nationalist movement accused of hatred towards whites and anti-Semitism — was shot by the police after jumping the vehicle with a knife in his hand. “We had a call with the Knesset last week, with [House Appropriations Committee chairwoman] Rosa DeLauro and Jaime Herrera Beutler, the ranking member on our committee, trying to see what do they do in Israel around the Knesset,” Ryan told Fox News after the attack. They did not specify with whom the lawmakers spoke.

We know this won’t be reported on in the mainstream media. Instead of bashing or ignoring Israel, they should spotlight this story. Israel and the US are allies, not enemies. It’s time for the media in the US to report on the truth about Israel and there is no better time to do so than now.

US reached out to Israel’s Knesset for Capitol security advice, lawmaker says, by i24NEWS. i24NEWS, April 04, 2021

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