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Jews in Judea and Samaria Are Not A Priority

Defense Minister Benny Gantz informed the High Court of Justice last week that he was canceling the defense establishment’s initiative to allow Jewish residents to privately purchase land in Judea and Samaria. The move, reversing what had been a growing consensus in the Defense Ministry in the past few years, was intended to avoid friction with the Palestinian Authority since the repeal of the existing law would have led to an accelerated expansion of Jewish communities.

The law in Judea and Samaria is openly sided against Israel: only Jordanians, Palestinians, or “foreigners of Arab descent” are allowed to purchase land as private entities in the “west bank.” In 1971, the IDF amended the Jordanian law to allow Jews to purchase land in the liberated territories through companies, and ever since that correction, Jews are allowed to carry out real estate transactions only through companies and with the approval of the Defense Ministry’s Civil Administration.

In a separate but related story that shows Israeli citizens are not prioritized, Israel on Monday authorized some 1,300 Palestinian homes days after advancing plans to build more than 3,000 housing units for Jewish residents. The Israeli government says it is adopting a moderate approach with the aim of minimizing friction with the US – which is opposed to “settlements” – and tensions within its ruling coalition, which includes parties from across the political spectrum.

The laws in Judea and Samaria are outdated and nothing is being done to change them. As Bennett’s coalition appeases the PA Arabs, it demonstrates that Jewish residents in Judea and Samaria – living on legally owned Jewish land – are not a priority for the government. Additionally, the government is not exercising its rightful claim to Sovereignty. The application of Sovereignty over Judea and Samaria is critical now more than ever. The government’s actions mentioned here are insulting to Israelis and proves the point of how urgent it is that Sovereignty be applied NOW.

AFSI will continue to advocate for Sovereignty over Judea and Samaria and prays that it becomes a reality sooner rather than later.

To Appease the PA, DM Gantz Kills Initiative Allowing Settlers to Purchase Land Privately, by David Israel/Jewish Press, November 1, 2021

Israel authorizes over 1,000 Palestinian homes in Judea and Samaria, By AP and ILH Staff, November 1, 2021


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Without Israel’s Approval PA Consulate Cannot Open

US Deputy Secretary of State for Management and Resources Brian Patrick McKeon has confirmed that the US needs Israel’s approval in order to open a consulate on Jerusalem’s very central Agron Street. The sole purpose of opening this consulate would be to service Palestinian Authority Arabs.

In a tweet, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) wrote: “Important question from Senator Hagerty: Does Israel have to agree before the US could open or reopen a consulate to the Palestinians in Jerusalem?”

Responding to a tweet by another organization asking if Israel needs to agree to a reopening Deputy Secretary McKeon responded: “That’s my understanding—that we’d need to get the consent of the host government to open any diplomatic facility.”

Meir Deutsch, Director General of Regavim, said, “We have been warning for a decade already that the Palestinians are creating a de facto state disconnected from the State of Israel. Wherever they open a consulate will be the capital of the Palestinian state (This consulate would, unlike others in most countries, report directly to the US State Department and not to the US Embassy thereby making it a de facto embassy – ed) It would be very worthwhile for the State of Israel to wake up and put a stop to this.”


Confirmed: US needs Israel’s consent to reopen Jerusalem consulate, by Arutz Sheva Staff, October 28, 2021


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Is the Gov’t For Or Against Evyatar?

According to a publication by Channel 12 News Correspondent Amit Segal, “Not only MKs from the outskirts of Meretz but also the Labor party chairman, Merav Michaeli, met with the prime minister and made it clear to him that Evyatar will not be resurrected. The Labor party will not lend a hand.” Nahala chairwoman Daniella Weiss responded to the report in an interview with Arutz Sheva.

Weiss regrets that “people in the Knesset of Israel, and I am not talking about the Arabs, I do not expect Zionism from them, people who live in Israel and are supposed to care about Israel’s interests are expressing themselves in such a way that harms, by definition, Israel’s interests. When the settlements in Judea and Samaria began, there were positive consequences for the establishment of observatories in the Galilee, if only that could continue.”

“It seems to me that there is no safer prescription for overthrowing the government than establishing a settlement,” Daniella stated. Judy Kadish who was there with the recent Chizuk Mission and spent quite a bit of time with Daniella over the last few weeks, understands that Daniella’s motives are to preserve and protect the State of Israel.

Evyatar is strategically located for Israelis who want to ward off terror. We pray that the government confirms – what we know to be true – that Evyatar is found to be on state-held land and that the Jewish presence there will be regulated with no delay.

Settlement leader: Minister’s Anti-Zionist opinion will not stand, Evyatar will be rebuilt, by Arutz Sheva Staff, October 26, 2021

Open post

On This Day: October 28, 1948

On October 28, 1948, the State of Israel formally adopted the Israeli flag as we know it today to be the nation’s official flag.

The Israeli flag with its two blue stripes and a Star of David in the middle is a variation on the flag that had been used by the World Zionist Organization since 1897.

The blue stripes were inspired by the tallit, used during prayer. It also had the Star of David and the word Maccabee on it. The idea for the design is traditionally believed to have come from David Wolffsohn who came up with the idea during a Zionist meeting with Theodor Herzl in Basel.

We always need inspiration for a good result at work or in relationships. Healthy relationships can only be developed from understanding yourself from the inside, and also through self-knowledge, you can learn more about this read this article

On This Day: The Israeli flag is formally adopted, by Jerusalem Post Staff, October 28, 2021

Open post

Israel Exposes, Bans Terror Groups. US In Denial Over Report

An Israeli defense official on Saturday disputed American claims that the United States was not informed of a highly contentious decision by Jerusalem to label six Palestinian rights organizations as terror groups. Israel insists Washington had been told in advance.

“Officials in the American administration were updated in advance of the intention to make this declaration and they received intelligence information about the matter,” the defense official said, speaking on condition of anonymity.

On Friday afternoon, Defense Minister Benny Gantz announced that half a dozen Palestinian civil society groups — including highly prominent ones with significant backing and oversight from the European Union and other international bodies — were being designated as terror organizations, asserting that they worked on behalf of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) terror group.

“Those organizations were active under the cover of civil society organizations, but in practice belong and constitute an arm of the [PFLP] leadership, the main activity of which is the liberation of Palestine and destruction of Israel,” Gantz’s office said in a statement. According to the Defense Ministry, all six organizations employed senior PFLP members, “including activists involved in terror activity.”

These six NGO’s have also previously been exposed by Regavim and The International Legal Forum, are among the many NGOs that have been after these “humanitarians” for years. For too many years now they have been actively working to destroy and harm Israel. AFSI applauds Minister of Defense Gantz for this much needed move in labeling and banning these “humanitarian” groups for exactly what they are: Terrorists.

Israel disputes US claim it wasn’t told of plan to outlaw rights groups, by Judah Ari Gross/Times of Israel, October 23, 2021

Regavim Report, October 24, 2021





Open post

Building Up Judea and Samaria

Construction of a total of 3,144 housing units throughout the areas of Judea and Samaria is expected to begin approval or be approved next week by the government of Israel.

At the same time the government will also approve the construction of almost 200 new homes housing for Palestinian Authority Arabs who live in Area C, where the residents are considered part of the PA, but where Israel is in complete control of security and local civil law enforcement. The planned PA Arab homes in Gush Etzion next to Alon Shvut, Khirbet Beit Zakariyyah, were removed from the list.

The news comes two months after a plan to build just 2,200 new homes was delayed because it did not get the official green light from the Civil Administration as the administrative body did not convene due to a workers’ dispute.

Similarly, the Jewish Community of Hebron last week celebrated the news that construction has begun in the historic Hezekiah (Hizkiyahu) quarter in the ancient city. The new neighborhood will be called “Hezekiah Quarter – Nachalat Chabad” and is being built on Jewish-owned property that belonged to the original Hebron Jewish community. It’s the first time in 20 years that Hebron has seen new construction for Jews.

Let’s keep in mind that actual initial and final approvals show that the Israelis will get 3,144 housing units. In the end, the PA Arabs in Area C will get 1,473 housing units. Area C is being given away to Arabs and scores of illegal housing are still not being taken down. Innumerable PA Arabs homes have gone up in Area C and there is no apparent attempt to stop it or demolish.

We appreciate Israel is moving forward with building up its legally owned land and exercising its Sovereign rights but the issue of PA Arab land grabs has not been dealt with.

Report: More than 3,000 New Homes to Be Approved for Construction in Judea and Samaria, by Jewish Press News Desk, October 21, 2021

Construction Begins in Hebron’s Historic Hezekiah Neighborhood, by Hana Levi Julian/Jewish Press, October 24, 2021



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Smotrich Says It Without Hesitation or Fear

MK Bezalel Smotrich, Chairman of the Religious Zionist Party, said Sunday that Arab Knesset members who support terrorism have no place in the Knesset of Israel and the State of Israel.

During a discussion on the immigration bill last week in the Knesset, MK Smotrich told Knesset members of the Joint Arab List: “You are here by mistake – because [former Prime Minister David] Ben-Gurion did not finish the job and did not throw you out in ’48.”

“I did not exaggerate at all,” MK Smotrich told Sharon Gal on Galei Israel today. “Arab Knesset members, anti-Zionist terrorist supporters, are debating the Basic Law of Immigration, provoking us [by claiming] that we are all immigrants here and we have no rights in this country, and we are racists and fascists and who knows what else. There is no place for such people in the Knesset or in the State of Israel.”

Smotrich also clearly stated “We do not hate anyone and do not want to expel anyone, except those who hate us and want to destroy us and expel us.”

Smotrich: ‘Bennett will cave and build consulate’, by Arutz Sheva Staff, October 17, 2021


Open post

Illegal Construction On A Silver Platter: Are Israel’s Authorities Turning A Blind Eye?

A petition filed by the Regavim movement in the High Court states that the Civil Administration and the Ministry of Defense have in recent years been following an internal procedure contrary to the Planning and Building Law, which has led to inaction regarding any enforcement against illegal Palestinian construction in Judea and Samaria. This has led to a sharp increase in illegal Arab buildings being built in the area.

The petition reveals that in recent years the Civil Administration and the Ministry of Defense have formulated an internal, illegal work procedure. It stipulates that enforcement proceedings against illegal construction in Judea and Samaria must be automatically frozen if various statutory applications are submitted for the illegal structure. This includes a master plan, a building permit, a legal appeal, a request for a stay of proceedings and a petition to the High Court, even if it is clear in advance that the requests have no legal chance due to lack of land ownership, lack of planning chances, and even a declared request for a “non-legal” halt.

Meir Deutsch, director-general of the Regavim movement, explains the strategic risk created by the procedure: “Even when the many bureaucratic procedures are finally over, it will be an old illegal construction over which no one will try to enforce the law. This procedure is the silver platter on which the Palestinian state is based.”

The reason for rise in illegal Arab construction in Judea and Samaria revealed, by Arutz Sheva Staff, October 17, 2021

The systemic failure of Israel’s Civil Administration in Judea and Samaria, by
Lt. Col. (res) Maurice Hirsch/JNS, October 17, 2021


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Bennett’s Strategic Goal: Build Up the Golan Heights

Prime Minister Naftali Bennett announced Monday that the government intends to dramatically increase the number of people living on the Golan Heights. He stressed that the Biden administration continues to recognize the northern plateau as Israeli territory.

Speaking at the Makor Rishon Golan Conference in Haspin, a moshav commonly known as Hispin, Bennett said that in six weeks the government will present a plan to greatly boost the population, including the construction of two new communities.

The ultimate goal, he said, was to hit 100,000 residents, almost four times the current population of around 27,000.

“The Golan Heights is Israeli, period,” Bennett said to applause. Describing the Golan as a “strategic goal,” he said, “our aim is to double, and then double again the number of residents on the Golan Heights.”

Bennett’s declaration of his intention to build up the Golan Heights is what we want to hear. We look forward to it being fully implemented.

We believe that there is the need for the building of Jewish homes all over the country. Housing is needed and facts on the ground must be established so that the land is not appropriated by the Palestinian Arabs.

Bennett announces major drive to quadruple population of Golan Heights, by TOI Staff, October 11, 2021





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Deep Intrusion Into Israel’s Defense Ministry

The Ad Kan group is dedicated to exposing NGOs and countries that labor to alter Israel’s identity and values, as well as the activities of the Palestinian Authority and the European Union in Area C. On Thursday they revealed the deep intrusion of the PA intelligence service into Israel’s Defense Ministry’s Civil Administration in Judea and Samaria.

This week, the PA’s preventive security forces once again arrested Nidal al-Atari, a Palestinian Authority citizen who serves as the lands inspector in the Israeli Civil Administration. Al-Atari was interrogated and remains in custody. During his previous detention, he was kept in jail for more than half a year.

Ad Kan revealed that al-Atari stored in his home, in violation of protocol, a large number of confidential files with transaction details of Jewish real estate purchases from Arabs in Judea and Samaria.

Ad Kan Director-General Gilad Ach concluded his group’s report with the statement: “The negligence of the Civil Administration has spiraled out of control. The confiscation of sensitive Civil Administration documents by the Palestinian Preventive Security marks a new low in the dysfunction of the Civil Administration.”

Exposé: Palestinian Authority Controlling MoD’s Judea & Samaria Civil Administration, by David Israel/Jewish Press, October 14, 2021






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