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Dagan to Bennett: Not Applying Sovereignty is Unacceptable

Samaria Regional Council chairman Yossi Dagan responded to Prime Minister Naftali Bennett’s remarks in an interview with the New York Times, in which he said his government would build in Judea and Samaria, will not establish a Palestinian state but will also not apply Sovereignty.

“Prime Minister Naftali Bennett said some things that are important and some things that cannot be accepted in any way. The statement that a terrorist state will not be established in the heart of the country is an important statement and so is the statement that this government will not resolve the ‘Israeli-Palestinian conflict,'” Dagan said.

“The messianic attempts in the past to try to reach solutions here and now of retreats in exchange for terror have not proven themselves and there is no reason for them to continue. At the same time, the statement that there will be no Sovereignty is a statement that is unacceptable, as is the statement about restricting construction in accordance with natural growth.”

It’s unconscionable at this point that the application of Sovereignty over Judea and Samaria is not a priority on Bennett’s to do list. Without Sovereignty how else can Israel guarantee her self-defense and be fully secure?

Yossi Dagan: Bennett’s statement is unacceptable, by Yoni Kempinski/Arutz Sheva, August 26, 2021

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Shiloh Residents Prepare for “D Day” – Defending Legally Owned Land

Border Police and Israel Police commanders on Wednesday conducted a preparatory tour ahead of the uprooting of the vineyards owned by Achiya Farm in the Shiloh Valley. The uprooting is due to take place in the coming days following a High Court ruling. Residents of Gush Shilo are calling on the public to “get ready for D Day,” and show up to fight the destruction.

Achiya Farm appealed to Defense Minister Benny Gantz asking to reach a compromise according to which the 42 acres of plants would be moved to alternative land after the end of the Shmita year that starts September 7 (planting and replanting are forbidden during the shmita year ). The High Court approved this option, but Defense Minister Benny Gantz is refusing the compromise proposal.

Activist Amishav Melt who lives in Gush Shilo and is one of the leaders of the campaign to stop the uprooting and stated, “The planned destruction of the vineyards is part of the war over sovereignty that’s taking place these days.” He warned that “anyone attempting to present the destruction as a ‘legal problem’ that will be resolved if only the vineyards are relocated or the owners receive increased compensation, evades the overall campaign taking place in the territories of Judea and Samaria – and will wake up one day to find himself in a sovereign Palestinian state that has been established in the abandoned territories of Judea and Samaria.”

Even though Arab petitioners have not proved land ownership, about half of Achiya Farm will be uprooted because of a draconian order invented by Civil Administration lawyers – one that everyone admits it is blatantly immoral.

Shiloh Farmers Prepare to Fight Gantz’s Attempt to Uproot 42 Acre Vineyard, by David Israel/Jewish Press, August 26, 2021

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Terror Balloon Attacks Continue, IDF Soldier Critically Wounded. Will the Gov’t Respond?

Terrorists in the Gaza Strip sparked at least nine fires in southern Israel throughout Monday with balloon-borne incendiary devices flown over the border as tensions in the region heated up.

Firefighters from Fire and Rescue Services, the Israel Defense Forces, the Jewish National Fund and local communities have been battling brush fires throughout the day in the Eshkol and Sdot Negev regions of southern Israel.

Fire and Rescue Services investigators said they determined that at least nine fires in Eshkol were sparked by these balloon-based attacks. Another fire in Sdot Negev was also likely the result of arson, but this was still being checked, the investigators said.

On Saturday, Hamas organized a similar large demonstration on the Gaza border that turned particularly violent at one point, with hundreds of rioters storming the security fence. A Palestinian man with a pistol opened fire at an Israeli Border Police sniper, Barel Hadaria Shmueli, who was stationed on the border, shooting him in the head and critically wounding him.

In response to the shooting attack on the border guard, the Israel Defense Forces conducted limited airstrikes on Hamas weapons storage sites in what was widely seen as an effort to retaliate to the attack on the soldier without risking a larger conflict with the terror group. During the strikes, Palestinians fired heavy machine-gun fire at Israeli aircraft over the coastal enclave. A number of homes and vehicles in Sderot were hit by the gunfire and suffered damage.

Once again, Israelis in the south are under attack and need protection NOW. Just last week Prime Minister Naftali Bennett said “Our goal is to provide long-term security to the residents of the south and the Gaza area and we are going to act at the time of our choosing and on our own terms; we won’t let any other element dictate its terms to us.” What is Bennett waiting for? To not take any action in response to the latest terror attacks leaves us deeply concerned.

Gaza arson attacks spark 9 fires in Israel; terror groups plan border protests, by Judah Ari Gross/Times of Israel, August 23, 2021


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ICC Piles On to Israel’s ‘War Crimes” (aka The Big Lie)

The International Criminal Court has added the multiple IDF demolitions of the Palestinian herding village of Khirbet Humsa in the Jordan Valley to its file of alleged Israeli war crimes.

It did so after the Israeli left-wing NGO Combatants for Peace sent the court information on the demolitions, which had taken place in the small hamlet of tents and shacks.

The IDF has argued that the tents and shacks of Khirbet Humsa are illegal and exist in an IDF firing zone. It has rightly taken action multiple times in the past years to remove the structures over the objections of the international community, including the European Union, whose local diplomats have visited the site.

For a refresher on the matter of Khirbet Humsa, watch AFSI’s February 2021 Zoom meeting with Naomi Kahn of Regavim, “The Big Lie of Khirbet Humsa: The Newest Version of Palestinian Authority/European Union Toxic Concoctions.”

ICC adds IDF’s multiple razing of Khirbet Humsa to war crimes probe, by Tovah Lazaroff/Jerusalem Post, August 21, 2021





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National Disgrace: IDF Caving to Arab Complaints. Where is Bennett’s Gov’t?

The IDF has set in motion preparations to uproot Israeli-owned Achiya Farm vineyards in the Shiloh area in Samaria as soon as next week. The agricultural lands were bought by Achiya Farms in 2006. The High Court of Justice recently approved the IDF Civil Administration’s request to implement a “disruptive use order” and uproot the vineyards, even though the Arab plaintiffs failed to prove ownership of the land. A “Disruptive use order” is executed in the event of an Arab complaint of invasion and the Jewish farmer must be unilaterally evicted.

The destruction is expected to uproot about 170 dunams of orchards and vineyards in the Shiloh Valley, which constitute about 40% of the agricultural activity of the Achiya Farm industries, which cultivates the land.

This type of order has been widely criticized by High Court Justice Edmond Levy, and in recent years its use has been discontinued.

David Zitzer, CEO of Achiya’s Farm, said that “we are in an inconceivable reality that even though the petitioners have not proved land ownership, about half of our farm is going to be uprooted because of a draconian order invented by Civil Administration lawyers and everyone admits it is blatantly immoral.” The Civil Administration’s “foolish attempt to uproot the farm by surprise in the midst of the harvest season and while they are discussing with us a compromise outline to reduce the damage to the economy is no less than a national disgrace,” he charged.

Who does the Civil Administration and their attorneys report to? They are supposed to report to the IDF and the Shin Bet (Israeli Police). Why does it seem as if the Arabs are in control? This injustice must be rectified!

State Plans to Uproot Israeli-Owned Vineyard in Samaria, Even Though Arab Ownership Claims Refuted, by Aryeh Savir/TPS, August 18, 2021

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No Response to Monday’s Rocket Fire Leaves Israel’s Southern Residents Vulnerable

The prime minister’s visit came amid criticism over Israel’s lack of response to Monday’s rocket attack toward Israel, the first of its kind since May.

Prime Minister Naftali Bennett toured southern Israel on Tuesday, less than 24 hours after Gaza-based terrorists launched two rockets towards the southern city of Sderot, for the first time since May’s Gaza operation.

The prime minister’s visit came amid criticism over Israel’s lack of response to the attack and growing concerns over Bennett’s inability to carry out a military campaign without the required support from his coalition.

“The purpose of this visit was to make sure that the IDF, the Southern Command and the Gaza Division are prepared – and they are, Bennett said. “Our mission here is to provide long-term security to residents of southern Israel and the Gaza border communities. We will choose the time, place and conditions of our response, not anyone else,” he added, stressing that Israel holds Hamas responsible for any and every attack carried out from Gaza. “Our only interest in Gaza is maintaining peace and returning our boys home,” Gantz said, adding that “Israel is determined to defend itself and will know how to when necessary.”

Israel has avoided responding militarily to a rocket fired from Gaza on Monday, due to supposed sensitive ongoing negotiations with Hamas that have the potential to reach a breakthrough, Channel 12 news reported on Tuesday. According to the report, which did not cite a source, there is a possibility of a deal that will allow Qatari funds to enter Gaza
(DANGER!!) and could include the release of Israelis being held by Hamas.

Can this explanation of why Bennett has not responded to Monday’s rocket attack be trusted? Without more transparency from Bennett’s government, it seems that Israelis are being pushed aside to appease the Arabs. Whether or not it’s ultimately true….those are the optics. As of this moment, that does not bode well for the mission of keeping Israel Safe and Sovereign.

Bennett visits Gaza border, vows to respond to rocket attack ‘on our terms’, by Tobias Siegal/World Israel News, August 17, 2021

TV: Israel not responding to Gaza rocket due to progress in talks with Hamas, by Emanuel Fabian/Times of Israel, August 17, 2021




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Are Jews in Lod Quietly Being Left Defenseless?

Six Jews from Lod have had their licensed personal sidearms confiscated by police recently, for no clear reason, according to a report in Makor Rishon.

The citizens were asked to come down to the police station to deposit their guns and were told the guns would remain there for around a month. After inquiring, some of them were told it was part of a murder investigation.

The residents said they hope this isn’t the beginning of a quiet attempt by police to disarm the Jewish citizens of Lod, or that it was based on false accusations by their Arab neighbors.

In response to the report, the police stated the confiscation is part of an investigation and they can’t provide any more details.

MK Bezalel Smotrich tweeted in response, “Once again, the Israeli police have abandoned the residents of Lod and are preventing them from defending themselves against riots and nationalist violence like the one we saw only three months ago. It is not a matter of luxury – the weapon is completely legal, and is in their hands according to law. immediately!”

MK Itamar Ben Gvir, responded: “We have reached the height of the absurdity of the failure and laxity police. The police have failed to protect the residents of Lod and now also want to take from them the last line of defense left to protect their lives. This is instead of confiscating the tens of thousands of illegal weapons that roam the area. The commissioner responsible for failure and default must lay down the keys and go home before there is any discrimination here.”

The residents of Lod were subject to a pogrom several months ago and there is no excuse for leaving them unable to defend themselves now.

Police Confiscating Guns from Jews in Lod, by Jewish Press News Desk, August 17, 2021

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In Coordination with Biden Admin, Israel is Losing Control of Area C

The Subcommittee on Objections in the Supreme Planning Council in the Civil Administration will convene next week, after an eight-month lull. It will debate—in coordination with the Biden administration—the approval of construction plans in various planning stages of a little more than 2,000 Jewish housing units in Judea and Samaria. This figure is at least 2,000 units shorter than the original plan, and it coincides with the Defense Ministry’s approval of 1,000 building permits for PA Arabs residing in Area C which is under full Israeli control.

The committee meeting, which was originally supposed to discuss the approval of construction plans for more than 4,000 housing units for Jews in Judea and Samaria, is only taking place because of pressure from the Yesha Council on Prime Minister Naftali Bennett. The settlers’ leadership has been demanding to set a date for the discussion, following the agreement between former Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and former President Donald Trump approving the issuing of building permits in Judea and Samaria every quarter.

It turns out that this period of eight months during which the Subcommittee on Objections has not been convened parallels perfectly the time that passed since President Joe Biden’s inauguration. The subcommittee last met in January and approved only 792 housing units. Since then, thousands of housing units in various planning stages have accumulated in Yesha, and they’re awaiting approval. So in recent weeks, PM Bennett’s office has been working with the White House to receive our American allies’ approval to convene the committee. Many, including AFSI membership, are perplexed at the need for this approval to build.

Apparently, receiving Washington’s approval for what goes on in Israeli construction five minutes from Kfar Sabba required two gestures on the Lapid-Bennett-Gantz government’s part: first, let 1,000 Arab homes bloom on Israeli soil; and second, cut down the Jewish homes from more than 4,000 to about 2,000.

Yesha Council held an emergency meeting Thursday, following which they released this statement: “We are in an unacceptable situation whereby plans that were approved by Defense Minister Benny Gantz have been rejected by Prime Minister Naftali Bennett. We oppose this unprecedented move to cut down construction plans in Judea, Samaria, and the Jordan Valley, even though they are ready for approval. It’s inconceivable that plans that have been frozen on the committee’s desk for eight months will not be approved. This sets back the settlement enterprise for many years to come. We cannot continue to sit and wait.”

Mayor of Efrat, Oded Revivi says the Yesha Council’s frustration and condemnation of the construction work in both Jewish and Palestinian parts of Area C are the results of a narrow view. In a Jerusalem Post Opinion piece he states: Their view fails to recognize Israel’s triumph that a (Democratic) American administration did not condemn the decision of the Israeli government to build in Judea and Samaria, and most probably, secretly helped to draft it. This is the recognition and validation that we have been waiting for – even this less sympathetic administration understands that we are here to stay.

Obviously, this is bad for Israel and good for the PA Arabs. It gives the PA a lawful way to build up and take over land in an area where Israel has full legal control. We are beyond troubled by the move Prime Minister Naftali Bennett is making. Appeasing the Arabs and leaving Jews in Judea and Samaria in a bad position is not in the best interest of defending and securing Israel.

Bennett Folds Under US Pressure, Cuts Down Settlement Construction to 2,000 Unit, by David Israel/Jewish Press, August 13, 2021

A bird’s-eye view of the settlement enterprise after Area C announcement, by Oded Revivi/Jerusalem Post, August 12, 2021

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“Drizzles” of Rockets Unacceptable

Palestinian terror groups on Monday resumed rocket attacks on southern Israel for the first time since the end of the 11-day Gaza war back in May.

Rocket alert sirens sounded in the afternoon hours in the city of Sderot as well as border communities of Avivim, Nir Am and Erez.

The Israeli military confirmed that one rocket launch from Gaza had been detected and the projectile was intercepted by the Iron Dome aerial defense system.

According to Islamic Jihad, the rocket fire is in revenge for the deaths of four Palestinian Authority Arabs who fired at IDF soldiers operating Sunday night near Jenin. The rocket was fired during the funeral for two of the terrorists who were eliminated in the shootout.

Sdot Negev Regional Council Head Tamir Idan called on the Israeli government to respond harshly to the rocket fire. “We are once again witness to a trend in which terror organizations dare to lift their heads and harm Israel’s residents. We cannot accept a situation in which there is rocket fire from Gaza and ‘drizzles’ of rockets. We demand that the government respond harshly and immediately, and cut down without delay anyone who attempts to harm us.”

Southern Israel under Gaza rocket fire for first time since May war, by, August 16, 2021

Gaza terror group takes responsibility for rocket fire, by Arutz Sheva Staff, August 16, 2021




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Clashes at the Tomb of the Patriarchs Display PA’s Continued Hatred of Israel

Palestinians briefly clashed with Israeli forces in Hebron on Friday over construction at the Tomb of the Patriarchs to make the site handicap accessible.

Photos showed Israeli Border Police troops firing stun and teargas grenades into a crowd of Palestinians that arrived to demonstrate near the site.

Construction at the holy site began on Monday. Plans include installing an elevator, bridge and path connecting the parking lot to the site. On Thursday, local mosques in Hebron called upon Palestinians to show up for Friday prayers and a demonstration at the site, according to media reports.

Making the Tomb of the Patriarchs handicap accessible is for the benefit of both Israelis and Palestinians. Once again, it’s clear that the PA’s hatred of Israel extends so far that they are willing to hurt their own people.

Palestinians clash with Israeli forces over work at Hebron’s Tomb of Patriarchs, by Emanuel Fabian/Times of Israel, August 13, 2021



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