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A Restoration of Israel’s Legal Territory

Within months, Israel’s new government will begin the process of declaring Sovereignty over Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria. According to binding international law, the move is legal. Most Israelis and many American Zionists support it for existential reasons.

The legal definition of annexation requires a state to declare Sovereignty over territory outside its domain. But since Judea and Samaria were within Israel’s legal borders in 1967, with Jordan the illegal occupier, the term annexation is corruptly misapplied here. It is rather restoration of Israel’s legal territory—to say nothing of its ancient biblical homeland.

MK Tzipi Hotovely (Likud) recently spoke to Arutz Sheva. When asked about MK Itzik Shmuli’s (Labor) promise to “hamper” the process of applying Sovereignty from within the government, Hotovely said: “Someone who chooses to oppose the idea that Judea and Samaria are an integral part of the Land of Israel – Jewish history will judge him. …The Prime Minister has promised to apply [Sovereignty] to Judea and Samaria, and that’s what’s important. Applying Sovereignty is this government’s most important event.”

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu discussed this at his Monday meeting. “For the first time since 1948, there is a historic opportunity to apply sovereignty in an agreed-upon fashion [with the US] as a diplomatic, sovereign act of the State of Israel in Judea and Samaria,” he said. “This is an opportunity that should not be missed.”

We have been promised time and time again that Sovereignty will be applied. Americans For A Safe Israel eagerly awaits for Israel’s new government to apply Sovereignty over Judea and Samaria. AFSI will not stop advocating for Israel’s legally valid right to exercise Sovereignty over her land until until it has become a reality.

#bindinginternationallaw #sovereignty #primeministerbenjaminnetanyahu #historicopportunity #stateofisrael #judeaandsamaria #opportunitythatshouldnotbemissed #tzipihotovely #restorationofisrael’slegalterritory #accordingtobindinginternationallaw

Israel’s Sovereignty Plans for Judea-Samara: It’s Not Annexation, It’s Restoration, by FLAME – Facts and Logic About the Middle East Hotline – May 26, 2020

‘Netanyahu promised sovereignty, it’s this government’s most important event’, by Hezki Baruch. Arutz Sheva – May 26, 2020

Netanyahu: We will move forward with annexation in July, by Tovah Lazaroff and Lahav Harkov. Jerusalem Post – May 26, 2020

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Crimes Against G-d Will Set Iran Back Decades

Ahead of its recent annual al-Quds Day orgy of Israel-bashing, Iran’s parliament unanimously passed legislation banning “any cooperation” with Israel — specifically including the use of Israeli computer hardware and software — as a crime against G-d.

The new law bars cooperation with Zionists, including ‘hardware and software,’ as a crime against G-d. The law also means no computers, internet, cell phones; healthcare will surely be ravaged. That also means no BMW for Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.

“An Iran without ‘Israel inside’ would make North Korea look advanced and cosmopolitan. Essentially, Iran would go back to the world of 50 years ago, maybe more. It would look like a huge Amish colony in Muslim garb. Meanwhile, it would be party time in the US, Israel, and most of the Arab world.” ~Saul Singer, author of Start Up Nation

You can’t make this stuff up. But this is Iran’s new law and it will devastate and constrain the Iranian people even more than they are now. Israel will have to be on high alert in the weeks that follow as Iran’s ‘blame Israel for our problems’ will be their new rhetoric.

#hardwareandsoftware #nocomputers #nobmwforkhamenei #iranwithoutisraelinside #banninganycooperationwithisrael

Iran has banned all use of Israeli tech. Really? That would set it back 50 years, by David Horovitz. Times of Israel – May 21, 2020

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YOM YERUSHALAYIM SAMEACH! Jerusalem Belongs to Israel and to the Jewish People Forever

Yom Yerushalayim (Jerusalem Day) this year is May 21-22 and is the anniversary of the liberation and unification of Jerusalem under Jewish Sovereignty that occurred during the Six Day War.

Shown here are David Rubinger’s famous photographs of IDF soldiers after liberating the Kotel (Western Wall) in June 1967.

The liberation of Jerusalem in 1967 marked the first time in thousands of years that the entire city of Jerusalem was under Jewish Sovereignty.

Watch Ambassador David Friedman deliver this year’s message

Read more HERE

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Israel’s Next Chapter: SOVEREIGNTY

Israel finally has a new government after three elections and more than a year of political stalemate. As it gets to work dealing with the calamitous effects of COVID-19, one of the main questions now is whether or not it will set in motion the Trump Mideast peace plan, which includes negotiating with the Palestinians and applying Israeli law to the Jordan Valley, and parts of Judea and Samaria. In his speech before the swearing in ceremony at the Knesset on Sunday, Netanyahu said, “It’s time to apply the Israeli law and write another glorious chapter in the history of Zionism.”

Americans For A Safe Israel reiterates its position that no peace plan with the Arabs can come to fruition as long as they continue to deny Israel’s right to exist and maintain Jew hatred as their predominant political ideology. We also reiterate our position that Sovereignty must be applied now.

Will Israel apply sovereignty to parts of Judea and Samaria?, by Israel Kasnett. Jewish News Syndicate – May 20, 2020

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Good Morning Teheran? Iranian Hackers Take Over Regavim’s Website

Is this Iran’s response to the recent cyber attack on its port facilities? This morning, Regavim’s website was hacked in an Iranian cyber onslaught. A video implanted on Regavim’s homepage illustrates an Iranian attack on Tel Aviv and Haifa.

Following the recent cyber attack that targeted port facilities in Iran – a cyber-op attributed to Israel – this morning, a counter-offensive was launched. Both the Hebrew- and English-language websites of the Regavim Movement, a public non-government organization dedicated to protecting state land, were taken over by Iranian hackers, as were hundreds of Israeli internet sites.

Yakhin Zik, Director of Operations at Regavim: “We hope our website will be up and running again soon. Meanwhile, our battle to preserve Israel’s national resources continues unabated, and we will provide updates through social media.”

Download the video implanted by hackers on the Regavim sites.

Further Reading:
The above news was sent to us by our friends at Regavim. Read more about the cyber attack in: Cyberattack: Anti-Israel message takes over multiple Israeli websites, by Tzvi Joffre. Jerusalem Post – May 21, 2020

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Introducing Israel’s New Government

It’s been a long haul for the Israeli people! After three consecutive elections, Israel’s Knesset approved a new government on Sunday by a vote of 73 to 46.

Benjamin Netanyahu will continue to serve as prime minister until October 2021, when Benny Gantz, the new defense minister, will take over.

The new government will have 35 ministers, swelling to 36 once the coronavirus crisis is over, according to the coalition agreement. That will make it the largest government in Israeli history.

Americans For A Safe Israel congratulates Israel on its long-awaited new government and wishes it hatzlacha and much strength as it forges ahead. In addition to managing the country post-coronavirus, Israel has much work ahead of it in combating the ongoing strategic threats it faces. AFSI will also be watching closely for a swift execution of Israel’s rightful and lawful application of Sovereignty in Judea and Samaria.

The ministers of Israel’s 35th government, by Times of Israel Staff. Times of Israel – May 17, 2020

Netanyahu vows to fight ICC’s war crimes probe as one of new government’s key objectives, by News Agencies and Israel Hayom Staff. Israel Hayom – May 18, 2020

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SHAME ON THEM! Students Publish Inciting Video Against IDF

The student branch of the far-left communist Hadash party at Hebrew University is facing sharp criticism for publishing an inciting video last week against IDF soldiers and Hebrew University.

The video was published by the group ahead of “Nakba Day” and accompanied with subtitles in Arabic, Hebrew and English. It begins by depicting a timeline accusing Israel of perpetrating a range of crimes against humanity since 1948, and then takes aim at IDF soldiers studying at Hebrew University.

AFSI will continue to expose the enemies of Israel even if they are from within. The problem here are the free speech policies of Hebrew University. The difference between the right to free speech and inciting hate against the IDF, protector of Israel, must be clearly defined. We suggest Hebrew University offer a mandatory course for all students: The Truth About Israel 101.

Hebrew University student group video takes aim at IDF soldiers, by Arutz Sheva Staff. Arutz Sheva – May 18, 2020

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US Congress Supports Israel, Says ICC Undermining Its Own Purpose

A large, bipartisan group of 69 senators and 262 House representatives sent a letter on Wednesday to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, urging him to call on the International Criminal Court to halt its investigation regarding the US and Israel, saying it was politically motivated.

The letter reads: “We believe the prosecutor’s decision to investigate the Israeli-Palestinian situation and request to the Pre-Trial Chamber to determine the court’s jurisdiction over disputed territories constitutes a dangerous politicization of the court and distorts the purposes for which the court was established,” the members of Congress added.

The group argued that the ICC should only be a “last resort for the prosecution of the most serious international crimes.” It noted that the Palestinian Authority is not a state, and therefore, “does not meet the criteria to qualify” to bring allegations against another country.

While ICC prosecutor Fatou Bensouda accepts false Palestinian territorial claims, she is making a political judgment against Israel. The letter issued by the US Congress cannot be underestimated – it is a critically important statement in support of the Jewish Nation State. Americans For A Safe Israel welcomes it as a very strong position in support of Israel.

AFSI expresses sincere thanks to Representatives Elaine Luria (D-VA) and Mike Gallagher (R-WI) who spearheaded the House version of the letter and Senators Ben Cardin (D-MD) and Rob Portman (R-Ohio) who led the Senate version. They’re leadership has helped teach the truth about Israel.

#MikePompeo #USCongressLetterToInternationalCriminalCourt #FatouBensouda #ElaineLuria #MikeGallagher #BenCardin #RobPortman #ICCPoliticallyMotivated

Congress to Pompeo: ICC has no jurisdiction over disputed territories, by Omri Nahmias. Jerusalem Post- May 14, 2020

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“He Was My Only Son” ~Father of Sgt. Amit Ben Yigal

On Tuesday morning, IDF Sgt. Amit Ben Yigal (21) was murdered after a large rock was thrown at his head. This terrorist act occurred as troops carried out arrests in the Arab town of Ya’bad.

The Golani Reconnaissance Battalion was carrying out a series of arrests in the village and had detained four wanted Palestinians – two suspected of involvement in a terrorist organization, and two suspected of throwing stones.

After completing arrests around 4:30am, a group of ten locals began throwing stones toward IDF troops. “The rock hit the soldier directly in the head,” IDF Spokesman Brig.-Gen. Hidai Zilberman told reporters. “The soldier was wearing a helmet. But it hit him at an angle.”

Could Yigal’s death have been prevented if the IDF were allowed to open fire on the terrorist? The Almagor terror victim’s organization now demands that the Justice Department and State Attorney’s Office allow opening fire at rock throwers. (This would comply with US ordinances where rocks are declared deadly weapons.)

AFSI mourns the viscous and senseless loss of one of Israel’s finest. With ongoing acts of terrorism against the Jewish State, there can be no realistic expectation for peace.

#AmitBenYigal #SlainSoldier #IDFTroops #GolaniReconnaissanceBattalion #NeverAgain #HeWasMyOnlySon #Almagor #IsraelTerrorVictims #RockThrowers

IDF soldier killed during arrest raid in West Bank, by Anna Ahronheim. Jerusalem Post, May 12, 2020

Hundreds Mourn for Fallen Soldier, YNet – May 14, 2020

Demand: Approve opening fire on rock-throwers, by Mordechai Sones. Artuz Sheva – May 12, 2020

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AFSI Welcomes Appointment of Gilad Erdan to Two Diplomatic Positions

Americans For A Safe Israel congratulates Minister Gilad Erdan on accepting Prime Minister Netanyahu’s offer to serve as Israel’s next ambassador to the United Nations as well as the United States. He will replace current Ambassador to the UN Danny Danon and current Ambassador to the US Ron Dermer.

Erdan is a known leader having worked vigorously against the anti-Israel BDS movement and has a well-rounded understanding of the issues in the Arab/Islamic war against Israel.

AFSI looks forward to supporting Minister Erdan in his new positions. Strengthening Israel and US Israel relations along with combating the enemies of the Jewish people and the State of Israel is our shared goal.

#GiladErdan #OurSharedGoal #Israel’sNextAmbassador #PublicMinisterGiladErdan #IsraeliAmbassadorToTheUnitedNations #IsraeliAmbassadorToTheUnited States

Gilad Erdan named as next Israeli Ambassador to the UN and the US, by Arutz Sheva Staff. Arutz Sheva – May 11, 2020

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