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Gantz: Whose Side Is He On?

Defense Minister Benny Gantz addressed opposition leader Benjamin Netanyahu at an event marking the one-year anniversary of the Abraham Accords in the Knesset. Gantz reminded him that the agreements were signed after Netanyahu agreed to remove from the agenda his intention to apply Israeli Sovereignty in parts of Judea and Samaria.

“The fact that we prevented a unilateral move of annexation allowed the vision of the Abraham Accords to materialize and break through. I am very happy that these peace treaties were signed and I am sure they will be expanded and be an engine of change in the Middle East,” Gantz said.

He added that “in order for the State of Israel to reach peace agreements and expand them, it must remain the most powerful state in the Middle East. That is how we act and that is how we will continue to act forever.”

Sorry to say, it angers us that Gantz speaks so proudly that Sovereignty was taken off of the table during the Abraham Accord negotiations. Just a reminder – in order for Israel to “…remain the most powerful state in the Middle East” Sovereignty must be applied! Sovereignty guarantees Israel’s defense and safety along with its future as a Sovereign nation. Gantz seems to have forgotten that.

Gantz: Dropping sovereignty paved way for Abraham Accords, by Arutz Sheva Staff, October 11, 2021



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“Something Significant – and Terrible – is Happening Here”

Jewish heritage sites in Judea and Samaria are being systematically vandalized and destroyed by local Arabs, according to a watchdog group which monitors archeological sites in the area.

Adi Shragai, operations organizer for the Shomrim Al HaNetzach organization, said in an interview with Arutz Sheva that the phenomenon of Arab vandals targeting archeological sites in Judea and Samaria has grown worse in recent years.

“Unfortunately, in the last few years we’ve received more and more reports from hikers and people in the field regarding the destruction of antiquities in Judea and Samaria, with no law enforcement. We understood immediately that something significant – and terrible – is happening here.”

Unfortunately, Shragai said, the damage is more the rule than the exception. A recent survey of 365 major archeological sites across Judea and Samaria found that some 80% had suffered either moderate or serious damage at the hands of vandals.

‘Arabs have destroyed 80% of archeological sites in Judea and Samaria’, by Yoni Kempinski/Arutz Sheva, October 8, 2021

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Israel’s Future Depends On SOVEREIGNTY!!

Press Release from Yehudit Katsover and Nadia Matar, The Sovereignty Movement

The Sovereignty Movement praises Minister of the Interior Ayelet Shaked for her resolute declaration that a Palestinian state will not be established.

Lately we have witnessed a persistent campaign by left-wing elements to divide the Land and establish a Palestinian state in its heart; we also see parade of people eager to pay their respects to PA Chairman Abu Mazen, who views IDF soldiers and commanders as criminals worthy of being tried in the Hague.

Against this background, Interior Minister Shaked’s remarks (expressed when visiting in the Emirates), are of great importance, however, our movement appeals to her with a request: It is not enough to block the ideas of a Palestinian state.

We must promote the Israeli initiative to apply Israeli Sovereignty over Judea and Samaria, and as a first step starting with the Greater Jerusalem initiative.

Only in this way, will it be possible to cut off the Arab hopes to establish a state upon the ruins of Israel.

The application of Sovereignty is a necessary step for the security of the State of Israel and the fulfillment of the People of Israel’s historic destiny in its Land.

Build up the Negev! Ayelet Shaked also plans to promote the construction of 10 new communities in the Negev. The Interior Ministry said the move is important “for bolstering the settlement of the Negev, an area of national importance, and preventing illegal seizure of state land.” The ministry noted that increasing the population of the Negev will benefit all residents of the area, as well as using available land for the construction of additional housing units.

Interference unwelcome! The Biden Administration sent a quiet message to Prime Minister Naftali Bennett’s office requesting that new construction be curbed in Jewish localities in Judea and Samaria. Yesha Council chairman David Elhayani responded to the report and said: “The Biden Administration should not interfere in the internal affairs of the State of Israel. President Biden knows that damage to settlement building in Judea, Samaria and the Jordan Valley means the fall of the current government.”

It is imperative that Israel remain steadfast and not allow a “two-state” solution, continue to build up the land and not fall victim to pressure from other nations who instruct it on how to run its Sovereign Nation.

Interior minister pushing plans for 10 new Negev localities, by Yori Yalon/Israel Hayom, October 7, 2021

Biden sends private message to Bennett to stop settlement construction, by Arutz Sheva Staff, October 6, 2021





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Advancing Peace Continues Through The Abraham Accords

Former White House senior adviser and son-in-law to President Donald Trump Jared Kushner – architect of the historic Abraham Accords – Ivanka Kushner (Jared’s wife), former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and former Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin will attend the launch next Monday of the Friedman Center to Advance Peace Made by the Abraham Accords by former US Ambassador to Israel David Friedman.

At the dinner, Pompeo will be presented with the Center’s inaugural “Peace Through Strength” award. “Since leaving office, I felt it important to preserve the legacy and advance the message of the Abraham Accords through the voices of those responsible for this extraordinary achievement,” Friedman said in announcing the inauguration.

Time will also be devoted to the possibility of new agreements with more Middle Eastern countries.

The Abraham Accords continually demonstrate that peace between Israel and her Arab neighbors is not only possible but is becoming a reality and branching out in new ways never before thought possible.

Jared Kushner, Ivanka Trump, Mike Pompeo, Benjamin Netanyahu to Attend Launch of David Friedman’s Center to Advance Peace, by Hana Levi Julian/Jewish Press, October 7, 2021



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Iron Dome Funding: Israel in the Middle

US Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) has objected to swift passage of a bill to replenish Israel’s Iron Dome missile defense system. This is according to five congressional sources who told Politico last Thursday.

The bill, which the House overwhelmingly approved last week by a vote of 420-9, would appropriate $1 billion for the Iron Dome.

A spokeswoman for the Kentucky senator said, “He proposed that we pay for the House bill with money that is going to go to the Taliban.”

Without a secure Israel – the only democratic ally in the Middle East -not only does Israel suffer, but does America as well. Senator Paul should not waste another minute more on holding back Iron Dome funding. he can take up his fight with Congress about funding the Taliban in a different way, we’re sure. America needs Israel as a stabilizing force and influence in the Middle East. Biden’s surrender to the Taliban in Afghanistan highlights just how important Israel is to keeping the tinderbox that is the Middle East in check. Destabilization in the Middle East occurs rapidly, unexpectedly, shockingly and mercilessly. Look how fast the Shah of Iran fell in 1979.

While Senator Paul’s concerns about where the funding for Afghanistan will go are legitimate, we are sorry to see Israel caught in the middle of this argument. It directly affects Israel’s ability to maintain its defense capabilities. Israel’s defense is a priority and we trust Senator Paul and the Congress will come to a decision that is satisfactory to both sides soon.

Senator Rand Paul blocks swift passage of Iron Dome funding bill, by Ben Ariel/Arutz Sheva, October 1, 2021


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E1 Area in Ma’aleh Adumim Critical to Israel’s Security

The Civil Administration is set to hear objections by left-wing NGOs to the plan to construct close to 3,500 homes in the E1 area of the community of Ma’aleh Adumim, located just outside of Jerusalem.

The plan has inched forward since 1994 despite intense opposition from the United States and Europe. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had allowed for the plan to be deposited in 2020, a move that brings the project close to the final approval stage. The upcoming hearings would advance the project but would not be the final stage in the approval process.

The development of E1 is critical to ensure Israel’s hold on this territory and secure a unified Jerusalem. Since taking office in May, Prime Minister Naftali Bennett has spoken of the importance of continued development and has pledged not to freeze planning or building. Final approval on this matter is what we want to see, not empty words over and over to assure us everything will be OK. Judea and Samaria is long overdue for the application of Sovereignty.

IDF to hold hearing on contentious E1 settler building project, by Tovah Lazaroff/Jerusalem Post, October 3, 2021


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Iran Nuclear Threat: Is Israel Ready?

Zvi Yehezkeli, Arab affairs analyst at Channel 13, on Friday morning warned that Israel has no plan for dealing with the Iranian threat.

In an interview last Friday with 103 FM Radio, Yehezkeli emphasized that Iran is determined to become a nuclear power. “The Iranians are advancing towards a nuclear weapon, and Israel has no strategy,” he told the radio station. Clarifying his statement, Yehezkeli explained that although Israel has a desire to attack Iran and foil its nuclear advancement, “in the US there is a new boss. Whatever we do, the Iranians will continue advancing quickly towards a bomb. The pace at which they advance shows that they don’t care about the world, and they will soon be capable of nuclear weapons. And that’s news which is not good for Israel.”

The information Yehezkeil spoke of in his interview is of concern. But on the other hand, Israel does not have to reveal its plan or strategy to defend against the threat of Iran. Prime Minister Naftali Bennett only issued a threat at his recent UN General Assembly speech: “Iran’s nuclear program has hit a watershed moment, and so has our tolerance.” What he basically said is that if you do not act, we will do so ourselves. We will take no action, just sitting and waiting, while waiting drink some tea and play casino games at online casinos with no deposit bonus. Even if we have to pay a price for it, you will get dragged into this with us – whether you like it or you don’t. We’d like to trust that Israel does have a plan and is ready to defend itself.

Analyst warns: ‘Iran is making fast progress – and Israel has no strategy’, by 103FM/Arutz Sheva, October 1, 2021


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Bennett’s UN Speech: Did He Represent Israel’s Best Interest?

Political analyst and journalist Caroline Glick has harshly criticized Prime Minister Naftali Bennett’s inability to stand up to the new US administration. She recently shared her insights into Bennett’s policy gained from his speech earlier this week to the UN General Assembly.

Glick states at the outset that the prime minister’s speech not only did not change anything about her criticism of him, but on the contrary, only served to strengthen it. “The great threat to Israel these days from Iran is reflected in the unwillingness of the US administration to do anything active to prevent Iran from crossing the last line towards independent nuclear capability. Instead of dealing with it in a real way, that is, militarily, the US administration is doing everything to resume the nuclear talks with the Iranians, which will lead to American and UN legitimacy for an Iranian nuclear arsenal.”

In this reality, Glick emphasizes, “Naftali did not say anything about it. He did not condemn, not even a little bit, the dangerous nuclear agreement. On the contrary, his defense minister said that Israel was fine with the American talks leading up to the nuclear agreement.”

Glick states that she is not holding Bennett to a higher standard than his predecessor, Benjamin Netanyahu. “I demand that he represent the interests of Israel. He did not represent Zionism and Israel. He did not defend us against our most bitter enemies, Iran and the Palestinians. He did not preach morality to anyone when we are fighting for our right to exist.”

As an example of whether or not Israel’s interests are a priority, Arutz Sheva reports today that the United Arab List (Ra’am) has issued a list of demands to the government for its support in passing the state budget. Israel’s narrow coalition government must pass a spending plan by November or face immediate dissolution and snap elections. With a bare majority in the Knesset, the government must win the support of the UAL for the budget to ensure the bill’s passage.

But in recent weeks, UAL members have threatened to block the budget’s passage in the Knesset plenum if an agreement is not reached regarding spending for the Arab sector.

Without more transparency from Bennett’s government, it does seem that Israelis are being pushed aside to appease the Arabs and Iranians and in doing so, America. Why and at what cost to Israel? Whether or not it’s ultimately true….those are the optics and we remain concerned.

Caroline Glick: Bennett didn’t represent Israel or Zionism at the UN, by Shimon Cohen/Arutz Sheva, September 29, 2021

United Arab List chief lists conditions for backing state budget, by Dalit Halevy, September 30, 2021



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US VP Harris Encourages Student on Israel Hatred

Vice President Kamala Harris broke with several decades’ worth of bipartisan support for the Jewish State on Tuesday when she said she “was glad” that a student had brought up concerns about funding Israel’s “ethnic genocide” and “displacement of people.”

The student was referring, of course, to the standalone bill approving $1b to replenish Iron Dome after terrorists in Gaza shot more than 4,000 missiles at Israeli civilians earlier this year, and this is important to state: noncombatants. The Jewish men, women, and children targeted by these missiles are not soldiers. And no one gets to call them that for just living in a city that has belonged to their people for thousands of years. They are simply just Jewish people, living their lives.

Contrary to what Vice President Kamala Harris told this student—who may be quite sincere, being ignorant, or, on the other hand, perfectly aware she is spreading anti-Semitic propaganda—it is not healthy to debate the right of Jewish people to defend themselves in the face of terror. It is not healthy to encourage the voices that speak out against the rights of Jewish children, for example, to live.

VP Harris Tells Antisemitic Student “Your Truth” Has a Right to Be Heard, by Judean Rose, September 29, 2021


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Khan Al-Amar: Reality Ignored Again

Yesterday, the High Court of Justice approved the government’s request for an additional six month extension of the deadline to present to the court its plan for the evacuation of Khan al Ahmar, an illegal Palestinian Authority/European Union – supported outpost in the Adumim Region. The decision is the most recent stage in the sixth petition filed by the Regavim Movement against what it has called “the Palestinian Authority’s flagship outpost in the systematic takeover of Area C.” In 2009, Regavim filed the first petition against this Bedouin encampment on Route 1, a few short minutes’ drive from Jerusalem, in an attempt to compel the Israeli government to enforce the law and block the PA’s creeping annexation of state land throughout Judea and Samaria.

Responding to the decision, Meir Deutsch, Director General of Regavim, noted: “The chronic ‘after-the-holidays” excuse isn’t a solution – it’s part of the problem. In the case of Khan al Ahmar, procrastination is an attempt to ignore reality and erase hard facts. The state is attempting, for the umpteenth time, to push off its commitment to evacuate Khan al Ahmar – until after the next holiday, Passover. Procrastination won’t change the bottom line: The State of Israel must take action against the ongoing Palestinian takeover of Judea and Samaria. Khan al Ahmar has been, and continues to be, the test case for the larger strategic challenge.”

Khan al Ahmar: High Court of Justice grants the government an additional delay. “Compromise attempts become uncompromising contempt”, by Regavim, September 29, 2021


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