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Thirty-five years after he began serving a life sentence for passing classified information to an ally, former Israeli agent Jonathan Pollard will soon be able to make aliyah to Israel. On Friday, the US Parole Commission formally lifted his parole restrictions.

Pollard, 66, and his wife, Esther, said through their spokespeople on Saturday night that they want to move to Israel “as soon as possible and fulfill their dream of living together in Israel.” First, they said, Esther’s fight against breast cancer requires setting up the proper medical arrangements.

AFSI is thrilled with this positive development. A long standing and grave injustice has finally been reversed. We wish the Pollards well, especially a refuah shlema – a total recovery – for Esther Pollard. We also look forward to the possibility of meeting with them on our next Chizuk Mission trip to Israel – may it be soon.

Israeli leaders tell ‘Post’: Ready for Pollard’s aliyah, by Gil Hoffman and Celia Jean. Jerusalem Post, November 22, 2020

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Trying to Hold On to the Land in Homesh

IDF and Border Police forces were brought in to evacuate the students from the rebuilt Homesh yeshiva in Samaria Monday morning. The yeshiva was part of the Homesh community which was one of the four Jewish communities of Samaria which were destroyed as part of the disastrous 2005 Disengagement.

During the evacuation, Border Police forces acted violently, demolishing the Holy Ark in the yeshiva, destroying the tent built to shelter the students from the rain, and confiscating electrical equipment.

Samaria Regional Council chairman Yossi Dagan who was expelled from Sa-Nur himself, expressed shock at the incident and said: “This is an unusual incident, I want it to be investigated in depth. There have been many evictions in the past and unfortunately there will probably be more until the settlement is rebuilt, however there is no reason and no explanation for such photographs. I expect the issue to be investigated in depth.”

Shock in Samaria: Border police trash synagogue ark, by Arutz Sheva Staff. Arutz Sheva, November 23, 2020

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“It is a blessing to be here in Judea and Samaria” ~Mike Pompeo

“May I not be the last Secretary of State to visit this beautiful land,” Pompeo wrote in Psagot winery’s guestbook.

A history making visit to Judea and Samaria by US Secretary of State Michael R. Pompeo was made today. This is the first official visit of an American Secretary of State to Judea and Samaria since 1967.

Excerpt from the Binyamin Regional Council official statement:
“We consider this visit to be an important message that sees Binyamin as a valuable and significant region for the State of Israel, which it is no less important to visit than other Israeli sites.We are extremely hopeful that representatives from many governments will follow his {Pomepo’s} example and come to visit in Binyamin, to connect to the history and enjoy the wide range of exciting and moving experiences that this area has to offer.”

Excerpt from Remarks to the Press by Mike Pompeo:
“Today I want to make one announcement with respect to a decision by the State Department that we will regard the global anti-Israel BDS campaign as anti-Semitic. …I want you to know that we will immediately take steps to identify organizations that engage in hateful BDS conduct, and withdraw US government support for such groups.”

Pompeo: May I not be the last Sec. of State to visit Judea and Samaria, by Arutz Sheva Staff. Arutz Sheva, November 19, 2020

Binyamin council praises historic visit, by Binyamin Regional Council. Arutz Sheva, November 19, 2020

Remarks to the Press, by Secretary Michael R. Pompeo and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, US Department of State Press Release, November 19, 2020



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Historic Day

“This is a historic day. It’s not only a private visit, it’s also a declaration of the historic truth and moral fortitude of leadership in the US that recognizes Israel’s rights to its homeland.”

Director of Regavim’s International Division, Naomi Kahn spoke with Arutz Sheva about US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s visit to Samaria.

“We’re here in our neighborhood in the historic heartland of Israel. We’re thrilled, honored and relieved to welcome to Judea and Samaria for the first time US Sec. of State Mike Pompeo, who has proven to be one of Israel’s strongest, most courageous friends.”

Land of Israel activists welcome Mike Pompeo to Samaria, by Hezki Baruch. Arutz Sheva, November 19, 2020





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Product Labels to Read: MADE IN ISRAEL

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced Thursday during his visit at the Psagot winery that the US will allow products from Judea and Samaria to be labeled “Made in Israel.”

“All producers within areas where Israel exercises the relevant authorities… will be required to mark goods as ‘Israel’, ‘Product of Israel’, or ‘Made in Israel’ when exporting to the United States,” Pompeo said in a statement.

AFSI is very pleased with this development, which is long overdue. We thank the Trump administration for another important level of recognition for Israel; another official recognition of the truth.

However, we would be remiss if we did not take issue with the statement in the Arutz Sheva article, “…the US will allow products from Judea and Samaria to be labeled ‘Made in Israel.’ It’s not Arutz Sheva itself that we have an issue with. It’s that the word “allow” is used in the context of the statement. The word “allow” is used only because of the politics of Israel waiting for a green light to take action on something – only if it gets a blessing from the US. We believe this type of politics must end.

A Sovereign nation does not need permission
from another country to exercise self-determination.

Pompeo: Products from Judea and Samaria are ‘Made in Israel’, by Arutz Sheva Staff. Arutz Sheva, November 19, 2020

Marking of Country of Origin, Michael R. Pompeo, Secretary of State. US Department of State Press Release, November 19, 2020

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Sovereignty Threatened, IDF Responds Swiftly

Sirens were sounded in Israel overnight Saturday, around 2:00 a.m., in Palmachim and the northern industrial area in Ashdod.

The IDF confirmed that two rockets were fired from the Gaza Strip toward Israeli territory. One launch did not trigger a siren in the Ashdod area in the absence of the need for it. The second launch triggered sirens in the city of Ashdod and in the Shfela region.

In response to the rocket fire, IDF fighter jets, helicopters and tanks attacked underground infrastructure and military positions of the Hamas terrorist organization in Gaza.

“The IDF is conducting an ongoing assessment of the situation and acts firmly and decisively against any attempt at terrorist activity against the citizens of the State of Israel and the violation of its sovereignty,” said the IDF Spokesperson’s Unit in a statement.

Rockets fired toward south intercepted by Iron Dome, by Arutz Sheva Staff. Arutz Sheva, November 15, 2020


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Strong Message Sent to EU: Israel is Not a Colony!

Representatives of the European Union touring Givat HaMatos on Monday were chased away by pro-Israel activists led by Im Tirtzu.

On Sunday, the Israel Land Authority issued a tender for the construction of 1,257 housing units in the Givat Hamatos neighborhood, located in south Jerusalem, between the Har Homa and Gilo neighborhoods. According to the full plan, about 2,600 housing units will be built in the neighborhood in the first phase.

Im Tirtzu said in a statement: “EU representatives together with members of radical-left Israeli NGOs came today to tell us where we can and cannot build in Jerusalem, our capital city. We came to tell the EU that Israel is not a colony – it is an independent country that does not take orders from them.”

Im Tirtzu added: “The Israeli government needs to send a similar message to the EU and ensure that these hypocrites stop harming Israeli sovereignty.”

EU Team Touring Givat HaMatos Chased Away by Pro-Israel Activists, by David Israel. Jewish Press, November 16, 2020

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In a Departure from Prior Policy, Pompeo to Visit Judea and Samaria

U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo will visit the Psagot community in Judea, north of Jerusalem, and travel to the Golan Heights when he visits Israel next week.

It will be the first-ever visit by an American foreign minister to Judea and Samaria, marking a departure from previous State Department policy.

Pompeo will visit Psagot, which is located only eight kilometers (4.8 miles) north of Jerusalem bordering the Arab city of Ramallah. He is also expected to visit the Golan Heights, possibly including the site of Ramat Trump (Trump Heights), the new town being built by Israel to honor U.S. President Trump for recognizing Israeli Sovereignty over the strategic plateau.

Pompeo to be first Secretary of State to visit settlements, by Paul Sindman. World Israel News, November 13, 2020

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Israel-UA Forging Ties While Sovereignty Remains On Hold

A delegation of Israeli representatives met in Dubai on Wednesday with Emirati businessmen to discuss commercial opportunities.

The delegation was led by Yossi Dagan, who heads the Samaria Regional Council. They arrived on Sunday and planned to remain in the Emirates until Thursday. A statement from the regional council released Tuesday said the delegation held “marathon business meetings” with around 20 individuals and companies working in agriculture, pest control and plastics.

“The business people heard from them about the unique needs of the region and discussed with them cooperation, particularly in the fields of agronomy and water desalination.”

“The UAE is an advanced country at the forefront of development and investment, and it is our honor to forge trade and industry ties with them,” Dagan said.

Despite the positive tone of this development in Israel-UAE relations, let’s not forget that Israel’s right to apply Sovereignty remains “temporarily” on hold as a result of this new relationship.

Israeli settler delegation in Dubai to talk business cooperation with Emiratis, by AP and TOI Staff. Times of Israel, November 11, 2020

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Kaminitz Law Frozen, But Thankfully Not Repealed

In cooperation with the Arab Knesset members and the decision of Justice Minister Avi Nissenkorn, part of the Kaminitz Law was frozen. This law provides the government with administrative tools for enforcing construction offenses in Arab localities.

Meir Deutsch, Director General of Regavim, congratulated the MKs who voted yesterday against Kamal-Mreeh’s bill to repeal the Kaminitz Law, and called on Prime Minister Netanyahu to block the ‘bypass arrangement’.

“The Kaminitz Law is one of the most significant achievements for governability that the Likud and the right-wing governments of the past decade have to show for themselves. Repealing this important legislation means a return to chaos in the Negev and the Galilee. I call upon Prime Minister Netanyahu to block this anti-Zionist back-door deal between Nisenkorn and the United Arab List. The government’s own official data prove that the Kaminitz Law is effective in combatting illegal construction, and anyone who considers themself a Zionist, anyone who cares about the future of the State of Israel, must continue to protect this law in the Knesset and in the cabinet.”

Under the proposal, no administrative fines will be imposed on existing residential construction for a period of two years, but fines will be imposed on new, commercial construction and infrastructure. MK Bezalel Smotrich (Yamina) is justifiably angry about this, pointing out that they want to allow the Arab citizens of the country to build without regard for the law or justice.

Any regulation and planning that may result from behind closed doors negotiations while this freeze is in place must recognize that land that belongs to Israel cannot be illegally built on. We think that’s a relatively straight forward rule to follow.

Arab MKs join forces with Defense and Justice Ministers, by Arutz Sheva Staff. Arutz Sheva, November 12, 2020

Statement from Regavim, November 12, 2020

Smotrich: Government caving to the Joint List, by Arutz Sheva Staff. Arutz Sheva, November 12, 2020

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