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Recent Chemical Attacks In Syria: Who, If Anyone, Will Take Action?

US Ambassador to the UN, Nikki Haley, holding photos of gassed children in Syria.

There have been reports of two chemical attacks in Syria during the past few days; the most recent yesterday. The first, reportedly with sarin gas killed approximately 100 people including many children. The second attack is believed to have used chlorine gas. The impact of the second attack is still undetermined as of this writing. Continue reading “Recent Chemical Attacks In Syria: Who, If Anyone, Will Take Action?”

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June, 1967: From The Depths To The Heights

Levi Eshkol, Israeli Prime Minister during the Six-Day War, with US President Lyndon Johnson

The LBJ Presidential Library was one of the sponsors at the 92nd Street Y on Sunday, April 2, 2017, of a three hour symposium entitled, THE SIX DAY WAR: A Fifty Year Retrospective. AFSI members attended the Symposium to get a handle on the larger context of the war which transformed Israeli society permanently. Although always thinking of the miraculous victories of those six days in June, when Israel regained Jerusalem, the Golan Heights, and Judea and Samaria, in terms of the enormous significance of those events for Israel, it is easy to forget the general context as it existed in the U.S. Continue reading “June, 1967: From The Depths To The Heights”

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On Wednesday we posted a piece about President Trump, the “art” of a Middle East peace deal, and the illogic and disastrous idea of establishing an Arab state within the boundaries of the Land of Israel. The piece contained links to two very significant polls taken recently of Israeli attitudes toward giving up land in Judea and Samaria, and the establishment of an Arab state there. Continue reading “Reality”

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One-Two Punch Against The Israel Haters at the UN!

President Trump may have made some questionable appointments during his first two months in office, but one can only have glowing words for the new US Ambassador to the UN, Nikki Haley. Haley hit the ground running, letting the world know that she was no pushover. At the AIPAC conference in Washington DC yesterday, Ambassador Haley was asked how the United States can help change the culture at the UN. Her response is one for the books:

“The United States tells them what we’re not going to put up with. We start to change the culture to what we should be talking about and then we actually act on what we say.”

“I wear heels. It’s not for a fashion statement. It’s because if I see something wrong, we’re going to kick them every single time.” Continue reading “One-Two Punch Against The Israel Haters at the UN!”

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