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Jabotinsky in the Mirror of Reality by Yaakov Hagoel

Eighty years ago, the stormy heart of Ze’ev Jabotinsky, Zionist leader, founder of the Revisionist movement and Betar Youth Organization, fell silent.

After decades of his teachings being pushed to the margins of public discourse, today Jabotinsky finally receives a proper place in history. His ideology has slowly but surely seeped into the public consciousness and is appreciated for its merits.

The Jewish and Zionist world is facing a very significant period. Today, both the political right and left now see the inevitable implementation of the process of applying Israeli Sovereignty to Jewish communities in all parts of the Land of Israel.

#Jabotinsky #SovereigntyNow #SilenceIsDespicable

Jabotinsky in the mirror of reality, by Yaakov Hagoel. Arutz Sheva – July 23, 2020

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US State Department to Correct 2019 Report (Psst, wrong numbers were based on UN figures)

Ezri Tubi of Boomerang Fighting for Israel fought for the truth about Israel and WON! Americans For A Safe Israel is so proud of our friend, colleague and guest on this week’s AFSI ZOOM meeting.

A recent Israel Hayom report showed that the US State Department was incorrectly tallying the number of Palestinian terrorist incidents in the Israel 2019 Human Rights Report it published several months ago. The US government said it would amend the document.

US Congressmen Doug Lamborn and David B. McKinley pressed Secretary of State Mike Pompeo after Israel Hayom reported the errors, which were based on UN figures that took their information from left-wing NGOs or Palestinian advocacy groups.

The data about Palestinian attacks on Israelis were collected by Boomerang- Fighting for Israel. The group advocates for Israel and publishes a weekly report on terrorism statistics. Kol haKavod Ezri Tubi!

Boomerang’s reports are included towards the bottom of every AFSI newsletter under the “Resources” section. To view our recent Zoom meeting with Ezri, visit our YouTube Channel.

#TruthInNumbers #UNNumbersWrong

Following flawed report, US to publish new figures on Palestinian terrorism, by Ariel Kahana. Israel Hayom – July 15, 2020

Why did US report on Palestinian terrorism get the numbers wrong?, by Ariel Kahana. Israel Hayom – July 7, 2020

Open post

Enforcing the Law Helps Fight Illegal Land Grabs

It is doubtful the guests invited to celebrate at the Ragdan Halls on the outskirts of the city of Tira knew that the land on which they were dining and dancing was intended for the construction of a cemetery. Almost four years have passed since the Regavim movement’s area coordinator located two large and illegal events gardens which were being built on the outskirts of the city of Tira, only a few yards from Highway 6.

It also turned out that those event gardens were being built, without a permit, below the IEC’s high voltage lines – contrary to safety guidelines and in a way that greatly endangered the lives of anyone staying below them.

The Regavim movement successfully appealed to the Israel Police National Enforcement Unit to carry out the demolition orders issued for the buildings, before they expired.

“This case is a clear expression of the necessity of the Kaminitz Law, which today enables law enforcement agencies to operate with a wide range of tools to create immediate deterrence,” said Yachin Zik, Regavim’s director of operations.

#IsraelNeedsTheKaminitzLaw #IllegalEventHallDemolished

Like in the Settlements, But to Arabs: Israel Police Demolish Illegal Events Hall in Tira ~David Israel. Jewish Press – July 23, 2020

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Gantz’s Action Adds Insult to Injury. Pay for Slay Payments Must Stop

Defense Minister Benny Gantz over the weekend extended the moratorium on an order imposing criminal sanctions on Palestinian Arab banks. The banks hold accounts of terrorists and their families and are budgeted by the Palestinian Authority, reported Yediot Aharonot.

The imposition of sanctions was initiated by former Defense Minister Naftali Bennett, and Gantz froze the sanctions a month and a half ago.

The cancellation of the sanctions allows the Palestinian Authority to transfer funds to terrorists through the banks and has caused an uproar among bereaved families. This second freeze only adds insult to injury.

These payments are a MAJOR incentive driving PA terror against Israelis. Allowing these payments to continue certainly does not help reduce the number of the Jewish victims. The welfare of the Jewish people must come first. Has Gantz lost sight of this?

His decision allows the cycle of terror to continue. STOP PAY FOR SLAY PAYMENTS!!!


Gantz prevents sanctions on terrorists’ salaries, by Ben Ariel. Arutz Sheva – July 19, 2020

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Shame on You Nancy!

Americans For A Safe Israel awards a place in the Looney Tunes Hall of Shame to Speaker of the United States House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi for endorsing Congresswoman Ilhan Omar’s bid for re-election. Instead of taking a stand against anti-Semitism, Pelosi’s backing of Omar gives full support to the ongoing and troubling trend to delegitimize Israel and the Jewish people.

Omar is well known for her virulent hatred of Israel and the Jews with anti-Semitic comments such as, “Israel has hypnotized the world, may Allah awaken the people and help them see the evil doings of Israel” and “It’s all about the Benjamins baby.” Omar also backs the BDS movement.

Pelosi needs a refresher course on why she was elected to office in the first place and to be reminded that the USA, which she represents as a government official, does not stand for hatred and bigotry against any people. She needs to put aside her power hungry and selfish political agenda and bow her head in shame. Furthermore, she needs to be removed from office.

#AntiSemitismInTheUSCongress #ShameOnNancyPelosi

Shame on Nancy Pelosi for endorsing Ilhan Omar, by Farley Weiss. Jewish News Syndicate – July 19, 2020

Open post

Closer Look: Inside the PA Textbooks

“Demystifying the UNRWA approach to curriculum” is the title given by the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) created for the “refugees” of the 1948 war in the Middle East (or, to be exact, their third and fourth-generation descendants). This is the heading of a two-page statement on its educational system issued in January 2020. This statement describes in detail the agency’s various supervision methods ensuring that the Palestinian Authority’s schoolbooks used in UNRWA schools meet UN standards. It also mentions a report by the US Government Accountability Office (GAO) that “affirms the unwavering UNRWA commitment to UN values.”

David Bedein, who has been at the forefront of exposing the problem with UNRWA textbooks, has read them and can personally attest to the falsity of this statement discussed this in detail in his Arutz Sheva OpEd yesterday.


What did you learn in school today, dear little UNRWA child of Gaza?, by David Bedein. Arutz Sheva – July 20, 2020

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Paper of Record Officially Exposed! The New York Times Workplace is Anti-Semitic and Anti-Israel

Americans For A Safe Israel applauds former opinion editor and writer Bari Weiss’ resignation from The New York Times earlier this week. AFSI commends Weiss for her forthright resignation letter posted on her personal website. This action exposed what we all know to be true about her former employer: The New York Times is intentionally and knowingly biased against the Jews and Israel.

Excerpts from Weiss’s letter:
They have called me a Nazi and a racist.
I have learned to brush off comments about how I’m “writing about the Jews again.”
Stories are chosen and told in a way to satisfy the narrowest of audiences, rather than to allow a curious public to read about the world and then draw their own conclusions.

This letter has sent wide-reaching shock waves. Her exposure of The New York Times now serves as a wake-up call to all anti-Israel, anti-Jewish media disguised as fair and un-biased professionals.

A gut-rehab job across the media spectrum to expose the rot from inside that intentionally disseminates anti-Semitic, anti-Israel rhetoric has been sorely needed. We are not interested in having another “narrative” or a conversation about this either. The facts about anti-Semitism in the media speak for themselves. We demand ACTION be taken to hold accountable those who call themselves “journalists” at the expense of delegitimizing Israel and the Jewish people. ACTION also means a return to fact based, non-biased reporting.

While the truth about The New York Times was exposed this week by an insider, the decline in professional standards with this paper is nothing new. The New York Times has a long and troubled record of anti-Jewish reporting that goes back to its founding. Buried By The Times: The Holocaust and America’s Most Important Newspaper (1996, by Laurel Leff) is an excellent book on this subject. News about the ongoing and increasing atrocities against the Jewish people before and during the Holocaust was literally buried in the back pages of the paper. This was due the paper’s Jewish publisher Arthur Hays Sulzberger’s negative views about Judaism. Sulzberger also held virulently anti-Zionist views and was not in favor of the establishment of a Jewish state.

Since then, nothing has changed and The New York Times continues its biased reporting against Israel and the Jews. Arthur Gregg Sulzberger (AG), to whom Ms. Weiss’ letter was addressed, is the grandson of the above-mentioned Arthur Hays Sulzberger. AG took over the reins as publisher from his father, Arthur Ochs Sulzberger, Jr. in 2017. The tradition of the JINO family continues, for now.

AFSI was an organizer of a protest in April 2019 calling out The New York Times for having published an anti-Semitic cartoon, which depicted Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as a dog on a leash led by a blind President Donald Trump. “Shame on the Times!” was heard loud and clear in front of The New York Times headquarters by many participating Jewish organizations and hundreds of pro-Israel activists. Together, we called out the “paper of record.” We know they heard us because less than two weeks after the protest they issued an apology.

“Silence is despicable!” ~Zeev Jabotinsky

AFSI congratulates Bari Weiss for not remaining silent and for the ACTION she took to expose anti-Semitism at The New York Times. Her letter spoke with a clarity, integrity, courage and truth that gives us hope for the future.

Just as AFSI advocates for educating the public on the truth about Israel, so too, has Bari Weiss spoken the truth about Israel and the Jewish people.

#SilenceIsDespicable #BariWeiss #TheNewYorkTimesExposed

Open post

Sovereignty Bill Proposed for ALL of Judea and Samaria

The Knesset Land of Israel lobby presented a bill to apply Israel sovereignty in Judea and Samaria on Monday by lobby leaders MK Haim Katz (Likud) and Bezalel Smotrich (Yamina). They call for Israel to announce Sovereignty in areas of Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria, in accordance with wording that has been approved by the Likud Central Committee.

The bill also seeks to create a mechanism that would protect areas that do not fall under Israeli Sovereignty and prevent a Palestinian or international takeover of any territory in Area C to which the bill does not apply.

The mechanism would act to prevent illegal Palestinian construction in Area C; agricultural crime; and international infrastructure and activity in Area C that is not approved by the Israeli government. In addition, it will promote the regulation of land ownership, including in the parts of Area C that lie outside the Sovereignty map, and protect government-owned land through grazing, farming, or forestation.

#SovereigntyAllOverIsrael #JudeaSamaria #ApplySovereigntyNow

Land of Israel Lobby beats Netanyahu to the punch on sovereignty, by Ariel Kahana and Yehuda Shlezinger. Israel Hayom – July 14, 2020

Open post

Take Out the Garbage! Israel Wins Long Legal Battle to Shut Down Illegal PA Garbage Dump

After a months-long legal battle, the Civil Administration announced that it is taking steps to shut down the “corona dumping ground” created by the Palestinian Authority during the government shutdown at the start of the corona pandemic in the abandoned Tariffi quarry on Route 60. Thousands of cubic tons of raw waste were trucked from the nearby Arab municipalities of Ramallah and El Bireh, and unceremoniously dumped over the cliff into the quarry – creating a garbage mountain visible for miles.

“Better late than never. After weeks and weeks of dumping at the site, the Civil Administration has finally taken enforcement action and announced that it will ensure that Arab cities do not continue to dump their garbage into the quarry,” said Yakhin Zik, Regavim’s Director of Operations.

#NoIllegalPAGarbagDump #CoronaDumpShutDown

‘Corona landfill’ to be closed’, by Arutz Sheva Staff. Arutz Sheva – July 14, 2020

Open post

EU Approves Illegal Land Grabs in Area C

The European Union, Denmark and the Palestinian Authority signed an agreement on Tuesday to build 16 infrastructure projects for the Palestinians in Area C. This is the fifth agreement of its kind.

Regavim stated in press release on Tuesday, “By funding construction and infrastructure projects that neither apply for nor receive permits from the Israeli Civil Administration – as required by international law and as stipulated in the Oslo Accords, to which the EU is a signatory – these “humanitarian” projects are nothing more than illegal land-grabs that target strategic areas of Judea and Samaria.”

“Oddly, the EU and its member states don’t find the housing, education, employment, water infrastructure or electricity grid in Areas A and B, the areas of Judea and Samaria under Palestinian Authority jurisdiction, worthy of similar investment,” Regavim’s Director General, Meir Deutsch pointed out.

As the EU and its cronies continue on their path to delegitimize the State of Israel, AFSI calls on Prime Minister Benajmin Netanyahu to declare SOVEREIGNTY NOW!

#NoIllegalLandGrabsInAreaC #AreaCUnderIsraeliControl

Photos courtesy of Regavim

EU builds for Palestinians in Area C, FMs speak against annexation, by Lahav Harkov, Tovah Lazaroff, Omri Nahmias. Jerusalem Post – July 14, 2020

The European Union, Denmark and Palestinian Authority launch the agreement to build 16 new social and public infrastructure projects in Area C, by Shadi Othman and Inas Abu Shirbi. The Office of the European Union Representative – July 14, 2020

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