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Coalition Could Collapse in Days, MK Orbach Quits, Homesh Saved Temporarily…ENOUGH ALREADY!

MK Nir Orbach issued a press release late today and informed Prime Minister Naftali Bennett that “in the current state of affairs – I can have no part in the coalition.”

Prior to Orbach’s announcement, as part of the effort to calm “rebel MK’s” within the Lapid-Bennett coalition, especially MK Orbach, all of a sudden coalition officials became committed to leaving the Homesh community in northern Samaria alone. Homesh won’t be evacuated in the coming months according to a Reshet Bet radio report as of Monday morning.

The coalition leadership understands that the evacuation of Homesh will bring about the dissolution of the government by Yamina and New Hope. Saving Homesh was originally a temporary political move to gain back support from Orbach in an attempt to save Prime Minister Naftali Bennett’s obviously disintegrating coalition. (Orbach also wanted the Judea and Samaria law passed.) Should the government collapse totally, it’s expected that Homesh will be demolished. The temporary saving of Homesh is desperate and disgraceful politics and not a sincere application of Israel’s sovereign rights to Homesh and the land on which it sits.

It’s been a year now since PM Bennett took office. While we pray the second year is more stable and productive than the first, it’s highly unlikely to happen. It’s also likely a second year may see new leadership.

Report: To Stay Intact Lapid-Bennett Coalition Won’t Evacuate Homesh, by David Israel/Jewish Press, June 13, 2022

MK Orbach: Coalition can’t continue in its current form, by Israel National News, June 13, 2022

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Only Sovereign Israeli “Territories” May Participate!

Israel on Sunday announced it will join the European Union’s “Creative Europe” program that promotes cultural cooperation between artists in member-nations. Israel considers the program essential to increasing cooperation with Europe and developing Israel’s cultural scene, the Foreign Ministry said.

The agreement includes a “territorial clause” that only recognizes what the EU determines to be sovereign “Israeli territories,” something that angered groups and regional council heads in Judea and Samaria suitable to participate. As a result of the clause, Jewish communities legally owned by Israel in Judea and Samaria, eastern Jerusalem, and the Golan Heights will be excluded from the program. How can we ask for boycotts of countries that refuse to recognize Judea and Samaria while taking part in a program that does the same? This is insanity! The Foreign Ministry is doing millions of its citizens a great injustice by joining in.

Every time Israel enters into an agreement like this, it consistently sends a message to the world that Israel has no rights to her “territories.” Unfortunately, we have MK Yair Lapid to thank for this latest blow that says these areas in Israel are not “sovereign territories.” Again, SOVEREIGNTY IS THE ANSWER!

Settlements excluded from EU cultural program joined by Israel, by ILH Staff, June 13, 2022


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The Youth of Israel “Get It”: Save Jerusalem by Expanding It

Roughly one thousand people gathered at the fourth Youth Sovereignty Convention last Thursday. Hosted by the co-chairwomen of the Sovereignty Movement, Yehudit Katsover and Nadia Matar, the aim was to strengthen the governance and enforce Israeli sovereignty in eastern Jerusalem.

“Today, we in Beit Orot, promise –To turn Jerusalem into the metropolis of Greater Jerusalem will be our greatest happiness. Dear Youth, The Land of Israel is waiting for you, Jerusalem is waiting for you. Greater Jerusalem will be established thanks to you, and from Zion, G-d willing, Jewish sovereignty will go forth, over the entire Land of Israel,” stated the co-chairwomen.

MK Bezalel Smotrich said, “In the Golan Heights, they applied sovereignty within 24 hours. We must dismantle the Civil Administration, establish new communities, preserve the territories of Judea and Samaria, acquire land for Jews and restore security. (In our June 7 newsletter Gilad Ach of Ad Kan exposed how Israel’s Civil Administration is working only on its own behalf in Judea and Samaria, one more reason to dismantle it.)

Miracle after miracle have occurred to turn Israel into the world power it is today. We believe for Israel to continue to grow in all ways, Zion must be a part of it. In order to ensure that Zion/Jerusalem remains in the sovereign control of the Israelites, a Jerusalem metropolis is the best answer we’ve heard to date.

‘Enforce Israeli law and sovereignty in east Jerusalem’, by Israel National News, June 10, 2022




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IAEA Finally Issues Condemnation of Iran

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has adopted a resolution criticizing Iran for its refusal to cooperate with its inspectors and calls for Iran to begin cooperating with the nuclear watchdog agency.

Prime Minister Naftali Bennett praised the IAEA’s decision to pass the resolution, calling it “a clear warning light to Iran.”

Just today, Rafael Mariano Grossi, head of the IAEA, said that Iran is removing 27 surveillance cameras from nuclear sites in the country, raising the risk of its inspectors being unable to track Tehran’s advances as it enriches uranium closer than ever to weapons-grade levels. Without “continuity of knowledge,” Grossi stated “This would be a fatal blow” to negotiations over Iran’s tattered nuclear deal with world powers.”

This is the first time in two years that the IAEA Board of Governors has passed a condemnation against Iran, which further exposes its “true face.” It’s an important step but unfortunately it won’t compel Iran to cooperate. As for the “fatal blow” to the talks that Grossi mentioned, we continue to hold firm to our position that these dangerous talks be cancelled immediately. Even if they are scrapped, this still leaves the threat of Iran on the table and it’s something Israel must contend with.

Bennett: A clear warning light to Iran, by Gary Willig/Israel National News, June 8, 2022

‘Fatal blow’ to talks: UN nuke watchdog says Iran removing 27 surveillance cameras, by Jon Gambrell and Phillip-Moritz Jenne/Times of Israel, June 9, 2022






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Protect Judea and Samaria or “Risk Losing It All,” Says Regavim

The Regavim movement released a statement stating that the recent failure of the government to pass the Judea and Samaria Regulations Law was “but a small part of the overall problem” and that Israel needed to formulate a concise policy with regards to the future of Jewish life in Judea and Samaria or risk losing it all.

“Proprietary rights in Judea and Samaria remain under the Jordanian and Ottoman systems, and these laws are outdated, ineffective and in some cases even antisemitic. Even worse, perhaps, is the selective manner in which these laws are enforced by the Israeli judicial and military systems.”

Regavim: Israel has failed to formulate policy on Judea and Samaria, by Eitan Divinsky/Israel National News, June 9, 2022




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How To Protect the Sovereignty of Jerusalem

Yehudit Katsover and Nadia Matar of The Sovereignty Movement visited the Israel National News studio to discuss matters relating to the sovereignty of Jerusalem.

On the Biden admin’s attempt to open a PA consulate in Jerusalem, Matar explains: “Indeed, there were rumors that they’re claiming they’re reopening, so we checked it out… and what we understood is that [the State Department] had to make the statement that they continue to push for it but they also understand that with this government that they’re not going to be able to open a consulate.”

Matar went on to say that despite the US not being able to open a consulate we cannot rest easy. “The very fact that they don’t open a consulate doesn’t mean that Jerusalem is not in danger and that is the message that we want to pass on.”

Sovereignty Movement: Make Jerusalem a metropolis to save it, by Yoni Kempinski/Israel National News, June 7, 2022

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Judea and Samaria Law Vote Fails: Coalition Collapse Next?

The Judea and Samaria Law presented by New Hope Justice Minister Gideon Sa’ar and supported by the coalition, fell Monday night in a vote of 58 to 52.

The law which expires at the end of this month would have continued to give the State of Israel jurisdiction over Israeli citizens living in “Area C” of Judea and Samaria thus giving them the same rights and responsibilities as Jews living anywhere in Israel. The law, which has been approved and reauthorized every five years since 1967, also affects law enforcement in Jewish communities in the region.

There will be attempts to fast track the bill again over the next few weeks, as well to find workarounds via the army. Prime Minister Naftali Bennett said he would keep bringing the bill to the Knesset until it passes.

Not passing this bill is a significant indicator that the coalition, while technically still in existence, has fallen apart. MK Bezalel Smotrich speaks truth: “A coalition that cannot pass its bills and is artificially respirated by Ahmad Tibi and the Joint List is illegitimate and bound to fall. Residents of Judea and Samaria are strong and understand the importance of bringing down the anti-Zionist government.” Saar, who introduced the bill. has characterized it as a referendum on the ability of the coalition to govern.

We are no fan of the current coalition and would prefer to see a strong Zionist government in power that doesn’t go back on its promises. The Jewish Press article we sourced points out, “This could turn out be the opportunity to pass a sovereignty bill.” A failed vote for the Civil Administration to continue leaves Israel with few choices. The best, we believe, is to declare sovereignty, especially when one takes into account the very convincing allegations being made against the Civil Administration by Ad Kan (see video further below). We are hopeful for this outcome.

Judea and Samaria Law Fails to Pass Knesset Vote, by Hana Levi Julian/Jewish Press, June 6, 2022



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Two Defeats in One Day for the Coalition

The failed reappointment of Matan Kahana marks second Knesset defeat for Prime Minister Naftali Bennett’s coalition. Yamina parliamentarian Idit Silman voted against reappointing her running mate Matan Kahana as Israel’s Minister of Religious Affairs.

With Silman voting against it, Kahana’s reappointment only received a tie vote (55-55), bringing the coalition its second defeat in a day. Prime Minister Naftali Bennett had stressed that the ballot was a vote of confidence in the government in an attempt to convince Silman to vote with her party.

After the voting result, Opposition Leader Benjamin Netanyahu praised Idit Silman, calling her a “champion,” while Kahana, a former pilot, commented that this setback was only a “little blow to the wing.”

This is another defeat on a single evening after two coalition lawmakers voted against legislation to renew the application of Israeli criminal law and certain civil laws to Israelis living in Judea and Samaria.

Is Silman’s vote another move in the attempt to destabilize the current government?

Rebel MK torpedoes Israel’s minister of religious affairs reappointment, by i24NEWS, June 7, 2022

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Taking a Stand for Sovereignty: Bravo to Daniella Weiss!

Community leaders in Judea and Samaria, including the Nahala movement led by Daniela Weiss and Zvi Elimelech Sharbaf, are considering establishing 10 communities at various points in Judea and Samaria during Joe Biden’s visit to Israel.

The admittedly provocative move of this group is a protest of the delay in implementing the Evyatar community agreement that was signed between the founders of Evyatar and the Bennett government a year ago.

Biden was expected to arrive in Israel in July for the first visit since his re-election. Reports today say his trip will be delayed and some are saying it’s due to the latest concerns with Prime Minister Naftali Bennett’s coalition crisis.

AFSI’s Chizuk Mission met last month with Daniella in her home (photo shown here) where she discussed all the issues facing Evyatar. We applaud Daniella for taking a bold stand in defense of Israel’s legal rights to the land.

Daniella Weiss, Nahala Movement Plan 10 ‘In Your Face’ Outposts During Biden’s Visit, by David Israel/Jewish Press, June 6, 2022

‘No trip to announce’: Biden visit to Middle East ‘delayed’ or just not happening?, by Batya Jerenberg/World Israel News, June 7, 2022







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Knesset Preliminary Vote a Win For Exercising Sovereign Rights

A law banning the hoisting of Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) flags in Israeli universities and academic institutions was approved last night in a preliminary reading in the Knesset plenum. The law was submitted after PLO flags were raised at recent “Nakba Day” rallies at Ben Gurion and Tel Aviv universities.

The explanatory notes to the bill state that it “draws a red line between a legitimate protest and a protest during which flags are flown by those who do not recognize the State of Israel or pose a threat to its existence, in bodies budgeted or supported by the state.”

Just yesterday, a large Palestinian flag hung by a left-wing group near the Diamond Exchange in Ramat Gan was taken down after sparking social media criticism and public calls by lawmakers for its removal.

Israel’s beautiful blue and white flag is a symbol of its Sovereignty as one free nation. It proudly waves as a reminder of all that Israelis have defended and sacrificed for the country. AFSI applauds the 63 Knesset members who voted in favor of this important bill, which included Prime Minister Naftali Bennett (16 opposed while Yesh Atid, Blue and White and Labor parties were absent). The bill recognizes that hostile enemies of Israel should never be permitted to dictate their message of hatred and violence in this way.

Bennett votes in favor: Knesset approves law banning waving of PLO flags, by Hezki Baruch/Israel National News, June 2, 2022

Palestinian flag comes off Ramat Gan tower after outcry, by TOI Staff/Times of Israel, June 2, 2022






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